Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

"Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past, what to enjoy in the present, what to plan for the future".  --A. Glason

I suppose I could apply that saying in many situations, but today I'm thinking about forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't about forgetting what someone did or said. It's about choosing not to hold it against them anymore. So, for the present time, am I able to enjoy my life, knowing I have forgiving to do , and can I plan for a future with no baggage attached?  Can I use what I learned from the situation to grow and see better around the many curves of relationship "roads"? How do you know you've really forgiven someone? Well, for one, you probably don't have the urge to pound them every time you see them or "accidentally" leave a banana peel in their path...or strap some dynamite to their backs...ok..too much Roadrunner for me. Anyway, I think it's a process of choosing to let it go every chance you can and not in your strength, but with God's and His grace. Trust me, you can't do this alone.

You may never like that person again. You may never respect that person again. But you can forgive them. It's really the only way to completely cut the person out of your life if that's what you choose to do with it. Otherwise, it's in your past, it's in your present, and it will most certainly be in your future.

Just something to think about.

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