Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sniffly Snout

I'm rockin' a cold this week. Got the red nose, puffy eyes, ever-present kleenex, and a cool,deep, Demi Moore-like voice to boot! I know this is weird, but I love to sing when I have a cold. I kind of sound like Elvis and Adele, mixed together. Cool, I know. :) So, while I am decorating Nat's birthday cake (shhh...still a secret!), I will be jacked up on Vicks, singing some sultry tune by aforementioned artists. I love bedtime when I have a cold. I take a shot of the 'quil and wait for the loopy feeling to come. It's great! Breathing and sleeping. At the same time!

Trying to have a good attitude through it a busy week, feel icky, making a symphony out of my sneezes and biting cough drops like candy.

I just love me on cold medicine. Don't you?

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