Thursday, October 30, 2008

Clearing up the Mystery

Just so you know....I am not depressed and I am not avoiding church. I suffer from non-classic migraines and have had several in the past month. I have been sick on and off since the end of September. However, I am functioning just need to make sheet cakes for my funeral dinner just yet. We have had several weekends of either vacation or family obligations, so we have been doing a lot of running on Sundays, thus, my absence from my usual chair in church. The times I am home, I am trying to get caught up or trying to rest a bit.
Please don't worry, I am fine! I am not depressed. I do get frustrated when I don't feel well and can't tend to the needs of my family. I am annoyed that I can't make a lot of commitments lately. I get super tired! I have an appointment to see my doc in a few weeks, and all will be peachy again. I have a great family who helps me, and a husband who has been my personal nurse for about 20 years now. He takes great care of me and can cook up a storm when I'm not well. I could not ask for more.

Thanks for your concern, but really, I am fine!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're okay. You know you are our family and we love you!
That book you are reading sounds fabulous. I think I need to get a copy!

Shoemaker Family said...

Yuck-O for migraines! Mom used to have debilatating (is that spelled right) migraines when we were small. Hope you get some relief veyr soon! So thankful for a family for you that cares and helps out! :)

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