Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I Really Think About Everything

Ha Ha! Fooled you with that title. You couldn't care less what I think about everything. Hey, half the time, I don't even care what I think. Seriously now, can we be serious?
I have a mind that goes ALL the time. I always have! As a kid, I was so analytical and aware. I had to think about every aspect of everything. It drove me nuts! However, I have developed as a person and a writer because I think too much. You may think thinking too much is a bad thing. It's not for me. The only time it gets me into trouble is when I SAY or WRITE too much about what I'm thinking. Even then, though, some of us have to do that to survive. If I had to duct tape my mouth shut all the time to please people, I would be sitting in a corner, drooling all the time.
I love commentators because they THINK and speak their thoughts. I don't have to agree, but I love the human mind. I need to get in there! Sometimes once I get in there, I realize I could really use some Pine Sol and a good sponge because some thoughts are stinky! Sometimes mine are too! Oh, come on, you've never thought about pigpens before?
I enjoy a good hearty conversation with someone who has real thoughts, not just a cleaned up version of what they think I want to hear. I have a very small number of people in my life who share their brains with me. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are the people I am closest to. We have some good long interesting conversations and that is cool!!
So, my blog is unique because you may get a chronicle of my daily life, but most of the time you're going to get my mind, whether you are ready for it or not!

The next title I'm working on? What I really FEEL about everything! :) Don't hold your breath on that one....

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