Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cute Buns

I knew you'd be wondering what that title was all about, you stinker you! Sophie is improving! Thank you for all your prayers! She is managing much better, although we aren't getting too hopeful. We know it's still a matter of time. It's just that she seems to be over her "flu" issues. She is now way off her normal diet, and is stuck to me like glue. In other words, I kinda have a newborn baby around here! One day at a time...The Lord has continued to give me strength and patience every day!

So, on to the "buns" in my title. We already told the girls that getting another dog was not in the plans, much to their disappointment. Truly, I could use a break from all the hoopla a puppy causes--chewing, pooping, whining at all hours, jumping, barking, you know what I mean. We also want to do some traveling next year, and who knows, maybe we'll finally be able to do something spontaneous, like not come home after a long day trip to wherever. Anyway...I'm almost to the "buns" part, if you haven't already figured it out.

We decided that the girls would probably be very sad and lonely to lose their cuddle bum, and would need something sweet to hold and love on. We finally broke down to their constant request for bunnies! We know very little about rabbits,but a friend I worked with years ago raised rabbits in the hundreds. Nat also has a farm friend who has a smart farm mom! Anyway, the girls are researching everything bunny for us, and we will get going on it soon. Every rabbit I see in my yard is named "Mr. Bun", and of course, I suggested that for one of the names. They just laughed at me, as usual.

One thing I know is that these will be "cute buns" and the girls will love them. I will love that they are outside and can be cared for easily by a neighbor kid when we are gone! Stay tuned....maybe I will be able to post pictures again soon. Stinkin' computer.....

1 comment:

Mushfique said...

Its good to hear Sophie improving :)
Enjoyed reading your post and am eagerly waiting to see the pictures of the 'buns'. I am sure the girls will love them!!

Have a nice day :)

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