Wednesday, October 6, 2010

TV Review

My blog will always be like a Variety Show, I guess. Must be my adult ADD (self-diagnosed, as usual). Today I bring you my favorite TV shows. If you don't like TV, well, then stick your nose back in your book or your butt back in your bathtub. This is for old show lovers, new show groupies, and those of us who have a special relationship with our electronic picture boxes.

Okay, enough of the sarcasm. (I'm most sure I learned that word from watching TV)

I used to be a big "Dancing with the Stars" fan until they stopped using actual stars. Now they are picking political children, reality tv people, and people I've never even heard of before. Maybe if they changed the name to "Dancing with the Strangers", I may get interested again. Some of those costumes are not only strange, but extremely skimpy! Hello, PG-13, please.

I'm all for the crime scene dramas, but please, do we need 45 of them?? I can't seem to keep them straight...CSI Miami, Miami Dolphins, CSI dolphins, CSI whatever. Do they not know the crime rates here some of our Michigan cities? Anyway, I'm done with CSI. And Law & Order, and any hospital dramas...too much gore and other stuff I can't stand and won't mention.....Miss Prudey Prudykins here.

I do like some other shows with initials, such as NCIS! I must have humor or forgetta bout it, I'm outta there! No, I don't watch ANY shows that have to do with Jersey, or have the word "Housewives" in them. Those housewives should live my life for one day. They'd change their title to "Princess" in a millisecond.

My favorite crime drama by far.....drumroll.....Castle!! Love that show, and it's Steve's and my date night tv choice. Funny. Clever. Interesting. A winner.

I'm trying to get into "The Defenders" with John Belushi, and "The Whole Truth" with Rob Morrow, star of my all time favorite tv show, Northern Exposure!! I have all 6 seasons on DVD! So far I like them both. I'm also a fan of Jason Ritter (John's son) who stars in "The Event". Reminds me a bit of "Lost", only not so much....I love Jason, but I can't seem to forget his role on "Joan of Arcadia", also a very cool show. He played a parapalegic...quite a stretch to his new role.

I also like just a few other shows, like "American Pickers", "Little People Big World", "Melissa and Joey", "Teach: Tony Danza", "The Middle", "Big Bang Theory", "Glee", "House Hunters". Sometimes I still like "Survivor", and I will check out "Kate Plus 8" just to shock myself with her shrinking clothes and growing...never mind. I'm a bit ashamed to admit I checked out that new show, "Sister Wives", and I felt like I needed to take a bath afterwards. I was just merely curious about the practice of having many wives. Although I don't want to judge their religious choices,it's certainly not anything I can understand. I love my ONE husband and knowing where he's been!! EW. Different Strokes, I guess. (Hey, another great old show!)

The truth of it is, I just don't have time to watch all the shows I like. I set the DVR to record them all, then watch when there is nothing else on, or if it's the weekend and there is only man junk on TV. I need to be passively entertained, and it's how I relax. I suppose I'm addicted to TV, but there are worse things!

Share with me your favorite TV shows from today or yesterday! I promise I won't laugh!

1 comment:

Jennifer Bovee said...

I totally agree about Castle! Love that show, not to mention it has great lines unlike the CSI's which are way to cheesy! I have to admit, my two favs are Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy...there, I said it...I can't help myself ;)

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