Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Rantings

I met with a specialist today to discuss the results of my recent MRI. Due to some "disconnects" between my symptoms, it was decided to do some labwork before we continue with treatment. So, I still don't have a definitive answer! I'm not worried about it, but it would be nice to be over the bump! I'm sure she's just being thorough and careful, and I appreciate that. I should know more next week.

One thing that upset us today was a lady who showed up for her appointment with no insurance and no way to pay for services. I'm not even sure how she got a referral with no insurance. She was under the impression that she would be billed and could pay it a little at a time. Well, no one does that anymore, and it's sad. Insurance is sad! But watching a lady cancel her appointment, walk out, knowing she needs help is just wrong all over the place. These are the times I wish I was a millionaire and could just be her benefactor! We are blessed to have insurance, but we jump through all their hoops just to get what we need and what we have paid for. Our doctor spends his time being frustrated by insurance instead of concentrating on medicine. It's wrong!! When the insurance person is talking to us on the phone about what we need and what we don't, I just can't believe it sometimes. They speak as if they know everything, though they have no medical expertise. They have no idea what their decisions do to the quality of someone's life. Oh, I am done complaining, but sometimes it just gets to me! So, please pray for the lady at the doctor's office today, that she would get the medical care that she needs and deserves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to people? Where is the love and compassion? Can't they work with this poor lady and work out a payment plan? And who gave the insurance company's the right to dictate our lives? I'm with you on this one. Pam

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