Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Serena had 2 basketball games on Saturday, and as usual, she had a good time, and we had fun watching for the most part. Sometimes it gets a little crazy on that court, both with out of control kids (always the other team, of course!:) and sometimes lazy refs. Both result in injuries and sometimes angry parents. Isn't that just crazy? Well, I had fun and so did Serena until she twisted her ankle. So she spent the last few days with her foot propped up, and she didn't like it one bit! She doesn't like being waited on. I think that is so weird, but she truly has more of a servant's heart, and feels better when she's doing the waiting on. She really needs to feel the humility that comes when someone is doing something just for you and just feel that love, not guilt. Natalie, however, would be in her glory if someone had to wait on her hand and foot! Amazing how they are so different sometimes.

Natalie had a game last night and I have to say it's a joy to watch her team play. I know I've praised them before, but they have improved even more from last year, and just play so amazingly well. Every single one! I think what impresses me more is that they are such good sports. They don't gloat over a win. They don't grandstand. They play as clean a game as possible. They are respectful to their coach and play well together as a team. Last night Natalie scored for the first time since the season began. She's had lots of shots, but this one went in....."finally"! (as her coach yelled :) She had such a big smile on her face. She got a chance to play longer and with the "better players" (according to coach's starting line up), and so she pushed herself harder. She got steals, blocked shots, ended up in a scrap heap on the floor a couple times, got rebounds, and a turnover. Coming out of the locker room, she said, "where is Serena? Where is Grandpa?" I thought it was so cute! I know Grandpa would have rather been watching her first basket than being at a meeting! Oh well. She'll just have to do it again, just for Gramps. She got home and the first thing she said to her sister was, "I scored!" Serena was so happy for her and they hugged. (Sorry girls if you ever see this)

I always write "4:13" on Nat's Powerade bottle. It stands for Philippians 4:13...."I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I pray before each game for all of the girls, and I always ask God for special favor over Nat. To let our girl have one moment. Just one. We'll take whatever you give. And to prove to her that nothing can stop her. Not scoliosis! Not a shorter leg! Not anything! But that with God, she can do anything. And with God, I can put up with a not-so-great week that is actually turning out better than I thought it would. Again, God used something we could all relate to (basketball) to get His message across. Or maybe it's that we're looking for His message a little harder these days. Whichever it is, I hope it keeps happening!


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