Friday, February 3, 2012

School Woes

God's been trying to teach me some things, but I don't have them all figured out yet. I bet I'll be saying that same thing 2 months, 5 years, 20 years from now! So, I don't get too terribly discouraged anymore.

However, I don't quite get what I'm supposed to be learning. I had a feeling way back when Serena was in 3rd grade that there was something "off" about school. At the time I wasn't sure what to do. Take her out, transfer, home school, stick it out. Here I am 3 years later, still wondering if that was a nudge and I missed it. I didn't have that same feeling about Natalie at all. In fact, she thrived in school and has been sailing away ever since. She loves school, the teachers love her, she has lots of friends, she does very well, and is very happy.

I can say most of the same things about Serena. However, it seems she's not a "class favorite" as Natalie was with two certain teachers. I may be wrong to assume this, as I know I'm supposed to think the best of people, but I have a feeling it has something to do with me, and I'm probably right. I don't want to think she's being treated unfairly, but something in me just doesn't feel right. I know not to always trust my "feelings", but I have pretty good instincts when it comes to my kids.

Serena and her entire class was given an anger-driven detention by a teacher having a bad day. She was present in a class when another teacher interrupted a class with an angry tirade toward one student. We have visited the principal's office and Serena now has a standing invitation to our school's social worker due to her fears of these things being directed at her at some time. Her citizenship grades by these 2 teachers are lower than what any of the other teachers assign. These two teachers are friends. Should I be suspicious and accusatory? Probably not, but when it comes to my kids,the "rules" go out the window sometimes. I'm supposed to protect her, and school shouldn't be a war zone. She should be able to trust the adults leading her. And so should we.

I picked her up on Thursday and the first thing she told me was that she was given detention for talking. Serena has never had a detention in her life, and most teachers would be shocked by that. She said her teacher seemed to be having yet another one of her bad days. Is my child capable of talking in class? Yes. But detention for it after never getting in trouble? I think it's odd. Nevertheless, I told her she must apologize to that teacher for disrupting the class,while i once again bit down hard on my fiery tongue.

So, is God trying to tell me I didn't listen to him by allowing these things to happen? It just seems she's not where she should be. It seems wrong somehow. I don't know if it's my own emotions or his guidance. Is God trying to get me angry so I'll take notice? This is where I get pretty lost! I feel that these situations have compromised her chances to be a board scholar, a golden rule recipient, and other achievements awarded by teachers. I can't help but think that they are being unprofessional and insensitive, and I can't really share why I believe that, but I do have my reasons. Valid ones at that.

But does it really matter that I'm right? No. She is all that matters, and I hope and pray the answers are clearer to me so that I do what is right.

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