Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twelve, but Wise

Serena said something so profound to me the other day after school. I guess some girls were bickering about something and she got herself out of the way and over to some other friends. It wasn't the first time she has had to remove herself from a brewing situation at school and it won't be the last, I'm sure. There have been a lot of arguments at school lately, and they all seem to be fanned by a parent who can't seem to get him/her self under control, making it worse for not only the daughter, but the class as well. Might be my opinion, but I'm not alone in thinking it, and frankly, it's just been quite annoying, to say the least.

She said to me: "Mom, if other parents would just teach their kids the Golden Rule, none of this would ever happen." Then she added, "And if kids would just stop reacting to everything they hear, no one would fight!"

Did she just hit the nail on the head, or what? She has started her own campaign of "just walk away", and it's working for her. As soon as she even suspects something might be going on, she simply walks away. The other day, she was leaving a big group and her principal asked her what was wrong. She said, "nothing. I'm walking away before it gets wrong." WISDOM we can all learn from!!

She has also been doing a "I don't wanna hear this..." campaign by asking her classmates not to tell her gossip or involve her in their disputes. Wow. If you can do that as a kid, you should be able to do that as an adult!! Her friends have respected her enough to keep her out of their issues. I have seen a much happier daughter! The cool thing is, she's getting closer to a couple of other girls who don't seem to argue so much with others.

I just wish some adults were as wise and smart as she is showing herself to be. Don't get involved in everyone's disputes, treat others the way you want to be treated, don't listen to or repeat gossip, and BE KIND.

On our whiteboard by the back door is the statement the kids are learning at kids church:


Oh, thank you, Miss A, for drilling that into my head that day!!

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