Sunday, May 4, 2014


Thank you Angela and Sir Norm and my dear hubby for praying me through the night. I slept and breathed so much better!  Sir Norm, I was not familiar with the Scripture you gave in your comment, but it is now going in my comfort journal. Thank you for that. 

To have my husband's hands on me, praying for me and to know there are genuine prayers being said for me means more to me than I can express. My writing has been a little harder lately anyway...I get tired and just kind of...quit...:) 

Some people go out of their way for others. They see a sunny day and still remember someone's cloud and stop and feel their rain awhile. They truly stop and pray, not just say they will. Prayers aren't just words to God. They certainly aren't just words to a sick and scared person. Prayer means life. Connection. Commitment for sure. 

I'm grateful for the connections. For My parents, for Pam, for Ben, for those who send a note just to say hello or stop and truly make a difference to me every day. Thank you. Steve and I love and appreciate you all! 

For whatever reason I'm still having some issues. Not sure if they are medication related or new symptoms. Either way, it's starting to create some anxiety. I do spend my days alone, so my mind tends to wander too much sometimes. It's hard to stay busy when you're exhausted, and I don't feel like visiting. It's not like I have a whole lot to talk about right now! ;) 
I do go back to the regular doc on Friday, so we'll be chatting and hopefully figuring some things out. Maybe my mom will be's all hormones.....;) hehe not. 

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