Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Dare You! to read this book..with me?

I've been wanting one of Joyce Meyer's books for quite awhile, but because I cut my spending drastically, I haven't ordered it. Well, I stopped by the Dollar General yesterday to get a few cards, and wandered over to the books. There it was, in all it's shiny bookjacket splendor for only $5!! No Way! I said it aloud, but no one seemed to care. Thank you, God! He really does know the desires of my heart and wants me to have them too. My spirit jumped and I knew I was meant to have this book.

It's "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer, and it's all about challenging yourself to" take action and make your life count", to view the "bumps" in the road of life as part of the purpose journey you are on. To not be afraid of the plans God has for you, but to embrace them with passion!!

This, my friends, is what I have been lacking. Somewhere along the way, my enthusiasm has been waning. My excitement for life hasn't been what it should be. But, "the human heart is made for passion, for strong desire to reach for something beyond ourselves. We need to be able to celebrate each day of our lives, no matter the circumstances." I've been too cautious, too tentative, and too willing to shrink back when I should jump in. Part of it is personality, but part of it is fear. Part of it is just not knowing if I'm really doing what God wants me to do. It's testing motives and reading the Word and spending time with Him. Am I doing it right? Is it enough? I am a work in progress, I need all the help I can get! I am a willing soul, believe me.

There are a lot of great books out there, but this one I need to read right now. I have already started the first couple of chapters and looked up the scripture references so I can seek more knowledge from the Bible. That's what I like about her books. That, and I need a person like her in my life! Kicking my butt and encouraging me at the same time.

I sort of feel like those kids on "Reading Rainbow", but everyone should read this book! If you want to read it with me, either online or in person, I would be willing to crack open a spot in my day to do just that with you. Maybe you need to be spurred on as much as I do! I can guarantee it will be a learning experience!

Come on, I dare you!

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