Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Half- Birthday, Serena!

Serena was born on December 27, snowed so hard on the way to the hospital at midnight that we could barely see the road ahead. With a winter and Christmas birthday, she often longed for a summer party. We've done one in the past and it was so much fun. This time we did a "half-birthday" celebration with just the 4 of us. She'll be hitting double digits in December, so this was her last blast as a 9 1/2 year old! This family needs no excuse to celebrate and have fun!!
The girls bust a move in the garage

A Hawaiian theme is a must for a summer bash!

Yummies for the "s'mores luau!

Natalie and mom made the says, "Ride the waves to 10!"

There she is, half birthday cake and 5 candles. We sure surprised her...she thought we weren't going to do anything special. After a wonderful dinner, Natalie and dad snuck out to the garage. I told Serena I needed her help out there. We shut off the lights and yelled "surprise!" when she came out. We sang "happy half-birthday" andshe even got to open a present.
The party went on with a competitive game of ladderball and a beautiful bonfire. These are the family times we will all cherish for sure!!


Kim said...

How fun!! Tell Serena Half Happy Birthday!!! Kim

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise for Serenda! I also love the pictures you took at the ballgame the colors are wonderful and the children are exceptionally adorable. You two are great parents making and giving your time and love will never be forgotten. Love you guys, Connie

Anonymous said...

I don't know where that d came into being into Serena's name. Forgive me......

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