Monday, June 1, 2009

Weird Things About Me

Since I don't share enough here on my blog (tee hee), here are a few strange and possibly surprising facts about me. You'll wish I never told you....

1. I do not like feet unless you are 3 years old or younger. Then I love them.

2. Double stuf oreos are better than regular and I will only eat them when dunked in milk.

3. I like to drive fast with the radio blaring and the windows down.

4. I can moonwalk and I do it pretty well. No, don't bother asking me. I won't do it for you.

5. I have never fired a gun, and I don't plan on it any time soon. I enjoy super soakers and will stalk Steve on the lawn mower, but that is as far as my shooting desire goes. No, you're not a stronger woman than me because you shoot guns, sorry. :)

6. I am deathly afraid of snakes, spiders, and creepy things. Bugs don't bother me though. Weird.

7. I don't care for hot dogs, though I will eat them to be polite. They are just wrong if you ask me.

8. I don't enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes. My dream would be to have someone do it for me.

9. I count to eight before flipping my pancakes. Go ahead, have me committed now.

10. I don't like my food touching on the plate. I know it all ends up in the same place. so what?

11. I go around the house turning off lights because it drives me crazy when they are all on at the same time!

12. I am not afraid to admit I'm weird!

Was this too much information for you? Well, I guess you shouldn't have looked then, should you? Just having a little fun with you today. That's another surprise you may not have known. I love to joke around!! Please don't be too serious and stuffy. Life is short and even shorter if you're boring.


Jennifer Bovee said...

HAHA! Thanks for sharing! I was just thinking the same thing about feet the other day while kissing Sydney's feet...there is NO WAY I would put anyone's feet that close to my face if they were over 2 years old!

Anonymous said...

Interesting Ms. Jami, I did not know any of these things about you. Thanks for sharing. I totally love my little kids toes and feet. Ryan Dyer took a picture of all the kids feet it is precious. Love you Connie

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