Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who Are You?

Okay, so we talked about Martha and Mary today at Bible Study, and I still don't know for sure...am I a Mary or a Martha? Well, I guess I have multiple personalities, because sometimes I am both! So, if you don't know who I'm talking about, check out Luke, Chapter 10, verses 38-42. Martha's all worried about making everything perfect because the Lord and His disciples are coming over. Mary decides that spending time at Jesus' feet is more important than all of that fussing. Of course, Martha thinks that's just irresponsible of her! Why should she have to do all the work while Mary gets to visit with the Lord? How unfair! What does Jesus think? He thinks Mary has the right idea! (as usual, seek your Bible for accurate representation!)

Have you ever felt like Martha or Mary? Are you unbalanced when it comes to gatherings? Are you in the kitchen making everything just "so" while everyone else is visiting and laughing, or are you visiting with your guests instead? This is a tough one to admit, I know!

I'm sorry, Mom, but I have to pick on you just a tad and you know why! Let's just say Martha was imprinted on her forehead for a long time! Now, I'm seeing more Mary come out of her, and it's a nice change! She still wants to wait on everyone, and she still wants everything to go well, but she's doing things ahead of time so she can have time to enjoy her family! Way to go, Mom! One of her spiritual gifts is clearly hospitality, so it's no surprise that she wants everyone to feel at home when visiting her. It is hard to "pull back" from the things you're used to doing, but if we don't, we get out of balance. In my mom's view, she feels a need to serve others and spoil them while in her company. It's a mom thing, for sure. However, she is also very good at encouraging and entertaining her guests too. Maybe she's found that balance after all. Believe me, we never thought we'd see the day that mom would be relaxed during a family gathering, but it has happened! It has been so much more enjoyable to have her presence, and not her preoccupation. Does any of that sound like you or someone you know? Could I avoid years of frustration by learning from mom? A resounding "YES"!

Someone at Bible study asked, well, what if Martha wasn't in the kitchen cooking for all those people? What would they eat? She's right, but as it was pointed out in our lesson today, it was the balance issue. Martha was more focused on "what about me" than "what about Jesus." It brought the question to all of our minds, "Are we focused on Jesus enough?"

I don't really know if I am more of one than the other, but I do know I have both Martha and Mary in me at different times. I had to laugh at Joyce Meyer, one of her sermons was about trying to do too much...a picnic of hot dogs turned into steaks. A party of 6 turned into 40....it went on and on. She was too worried about impressing and pleasing people.
How often do we fall into that trap? People are going to either like you or not like you, and believe me, it won't have anything to do with what you serve them! We want to please others, but we have to please Jesus first. After that, it will fall right into place!

I want to be like Mary, spiritual and making time for the Lord, but I also need Martha, who would be the first one planning the meals and getting it done!
Balance is possible, but it takes a deliberate commitment on our part!

Thank you, fearless leader, Barb, for bringing this subject to light! :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

DIY Home Decorating

Ignore the weather for just a second...Spring is almost here! While I technically don't Spring clean (I clean all year), I do like to change the decor from season to season. I'm not a professional decorator, but I enjoy watching HGTV and keeping up on what's new in home decor. I enjoy perusing stores for home decor and planning my next project!

Here are just a few things you can do to spruce up a tired home:

1. De-clutter. Your spaces will look much bigger and cleaner with unnecessary objects and furniture removed. It's okay to have "free" space in your room. It's relaxing.

2. If your room allows, pull out furniture from the walls and create a cozy conversation area. Furniture pushed up against the walls leaves dead space in the middle of the room.

3. You don't have to match everything to make the room look decorated! In fact, if you have a patterned comforter, switch out your curtains for something more neutral or vice versa. Throw a new pillow on the bed to pull it together. Duvets are a great way to change the look of your bed without spending a ton of money! Oh, and the bed should always be a focal point. Make it look inviting! You should be looking at the headboard when you walk in, not the side or foot of the bed.

4. Lamps are a great way to add ambience to a room. Overhead lights can be harsh and overpowering. Lamps will make the room cozy and inviting and tone things down.

5. If you haven't already, coordinate all the rooms in your house to be color-interchangeable. This way you can pull decorations from one room to another easily. My colors are brick red, soft sage, butterscotch, and browns. Each room has more of one color than another so they don't look the same. It saves buying new accessories when you can share them with other rooms, and it can feel like a new room when you're done.

6. Check out your wall art. Is it hanging at eye level? It should be! No matter what the size of your art, it needs to be "anchored" by the piece beneath it. Art can look disconnected when it's just hanging there. You should never have to strain your neck to look at art, and you should not have to look down at it either. The middle of the picture should be at eye level or slightly above. The only time to break this rule is if you are doing a wall composite with many types of pictures and mirrors that complement each other. Be sure to "pull" colors out of your art with accessories. Large pictures look best over large pieces, small over small, you get the idea.

7. Family photos are great, but they can look cluttered if you're not careful with them. Hang them in similar frames, and group them together in odd numbered groups. Don't be afraid to mix metal with wood. It can look more interesting. Try an all black and white grouping for a more dramatic look.

8. Be sure to let in as much natural light as you can. Open up drapes and blinds. It can improve the look of a room in a hurry. Be sure not to skimp on curtains. They should look full, not sparse.

9. Bring the outdoors in! Clip a few forsythia branches or pussy willow branches, place them in a clear cyndrical vase with natural stones in in the bottom. Watch them bloom. Place 2 on a mantle or sofa table for more interest.

10. Don't be afraid to add color. If you can't afford to paint, then add elements of color by using throw pillows, vases, pottery, candles, baskets, books, throws, etc...

Your house doesn't have to look like the cover of Good Housekeeping, but it is fun to change things up without having to spend money. Even if you don't like to decorate, we all like a pretty home. After all, it's our haven, and it should reflect who we are and the things that bring us joy!

Happy Homemaking and Happy Sort-of Spring!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I Will Keep On Counting!

This last week some things happened unexpectedly in some families around me. A sudden death, a lingering death, a complicated birth. Yet, through it all, God's hand is there. The blessings are there, though some may not be seen for awhile. I can't say that I've always seen the blessings right away when something tragic happens. In fact, I'm still questioning some things that happened many years ago. It's not that I'm stuck in the past with it, but sometimes things happen in this world that do not make sense then and don't make sense now. What I've learned to do is stop trying to "figure it out" and I just learned to trust. It's a blessing to be able to let something go and know that it is being worked out for good. I don't have to do anything to fix it, and in most cases, I couldn't fix it anyway.

Many people have said to me that they will have a list of questions for God one day when they reach heaven. I smile and say, "you won't care about any of that once you get there!" Yet, I understand that exact feeling. We're in the flesh and we always want answers! Somehow we look at life as a puzzle and think every piece has to fit just so! If a piece doesn't go in right, we want to make it fit and we want to know why it doesn't fit!

Give those frustrations and questions over to God. He knows what you're going through and he knows all your questions already. Some may be answered here on earth if we're quiet enough and if we're paying attention. Some will never be answered. Sometimes I feel like a child when I say "But, why???" Then I give myself the adult answer, "You don't get to know everything!"
When I see others go through something that I think would devastate me, I have to remind myself that the advice I give others also applies to me. Oh, that's a tough one to swallow. I sometimes fear my faith wouldn't be strong enough to endure the unspeakable. Yet, I know from reading the Bible that it in fact will get me through anything if I keep it strong.
I don't know where all that came from...I was just going to post my five today, since it's my last day of "fives". SO, here are my five blessings of today, and I know they will be multiplied a million times today!

1. Those wonderful birds serenading me today. Thank you God for your creation! It inspires me.

2. The love and support of my parents, who are ALWAYS there for all of us!! Thank you God for choosing them for me! Thank you for all you are doing in their lives.

3. Reuniting with my brothers, my sister, and cousins....(still praying on another brother)....thank you God for answered prayers and your unfailing love, hope, and promises!!

4. A day to clean, do laundry, and plan a nice dinner....uninterrupted. Thank you God for my home and your provisions. I will not take them for granted. They come from you!

5. My husband, my rock, my biggest fan, my best friend, my blessing. Thank you God, for bringing me just the right person at just the right time! He's the bomb!

6. My beautiful girls, who brought out a side of me I didn't know I had, and who love me so tenderly. Thank you God for allowing me to be a mom to these special girls, and thank you that they are healthy!

Oops, I did it again. I didn't even realize I typed a sixth one! I know that you'll agree that we all have more than five a day. Concentrate on those blessings and encourage others to do the same. Yes, you can do it. Even when you're grouchy! Even when the rug just got pulled out from under you! Even when the unspeakable happens. Have a blessed day and know that you are loved by the God who made you!!

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blessing-o De Cinco

Okay, forget it. It's been years since Spanish class. Oh well. Here are my five (cinco) positive things today...

1. Hanging plastic Easter eggs on the crabtree with my girls

2. Having a "conversation" with a cardinal...I like to whistle back

3. Neil at the Sleep Disorders Lab at MMRMC....thank you!

4. Giving Natalie a "mini facial" yesterday..girl time!

5. Serena yelling "I LOVE YOU MOM!!" long after I tucked her in

There is much sadness and disorder in the world. There is a lot to gossip chatter if you let yourself fall into that sort of thing. There is a lot of misery, pain, and addiction. Failures, dysfunctions, and abuse. It's everywhere out there. It seems to be on the news 24/7. It will drag you down if you allow it to. HOWEVER.......

Choose to focus on what is GOOD. If we dwell too much on the chaff, we'd never get the grain. Get out there and reap your harvest!!
Oh, and Buenas Dias!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blessings X Five

I'm at it again today....here are the 5 right off the top of my head...

1. It smells like dirt outside today!!

2. The birds are singing!!

3. The rain will melt the snow!!

4. Steve had my coffee ready before I got up!!

5. My family rocks!!

Take Five today....you won't regret it. Replace your negativity/problems/complaints with at least 5 things positive and watch what happens.

It's a natural thing to express displeasure. In fact, if you do it right, it can be downright funny!! If you bottle it up, you can look downright constipated! BALANCE.....that is the key!! We have many things to knock us off balance, whether they are good things or not. Marriage, in-laws, children, work, family, friends, life in general, church, illness, etc... The more of those things you juggle, the more off balance you can become. That's why you MUST find the blessings in each and every one. Don't miss out--that's your JOY!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Five For Today

Oh, how I could whine and complain today! I really could. I could moan and groan. I have good reason!! BUT, I'm not going to! I won't even do it here by myself today. I won't even complain to the dog. She's so stinkin' cute, that little pooper.

Here are my 5 positive things today, although some days you have to "eeeeek" them out!

1. Cutting trees and burning 2 year old brush for 2 days yielded a wonderful feeling of progress!

2. Time spent with Steve, working side by side and laughing about everything!

3. Having our van fixed and it was ONLY $350.00....coulda been worse, eh?

4. Jon and Kate was on for one hour instead of 30 minutes.

5. My cold is not getting much worse. I hardly notice it because of the muscle pain! (which is good, by the way)

See, you can do it if you try. I woke up like a wounded bear this morning, but I will be a healed glittering butterfly by the end of the day. For those of you who think I need a reality check, you're probably right. However, letting circumstances drive my bus would just keep my knickers in a knot all day! I choose to be positive. I choose my day. I tell my kids that every day as they depart the mom bus...."choose a good day!"

So, taking my own advice, I will choose a good day! And a good day to you too!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Natalie's Five

Kids need to count their blessings every day too! Here are Natalie's "five":

1. My induction into the National Elementary Honor Society

2. Getting my saxophone and starting band in April

3. Giving Sophie a bath today and she smells like baby shampoo

4. Bunnies and SPRING!

5. My friends and family who are always there for me

Good job, Natalie......Stay tuned for Serena's list!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Here it is. I've unveiled my newest project. I hope you will participate! All you have to do is think of or write down 5 positive things a day. They can be blessings, encouragements from others, the weather....whatever. Make a concerted effort to find the good in every day. Some days may be harder than others, but that's why it's important to do. You don't have to share them with me or anyone else! However, it might help if you do!

Here are my 5 today.....

1. Opening the door and hearing the birds sing before it's daylight

2. The dog did not pee on the floor overnight

3. A clean house and only 1 basket of laundry to do today!

4. My girls cheeks, as I kiss them every morning and say "I love you"

5. Steve insisting on making the girls' lunches because he bought something special for them

6. Hanging out blankets on the clothesline after a long winter season

Oops...I went over, and I could probably go on. My mission in this life is to be as positive as possible. That is not always easy for me to do! I'm sure you can relate at times. However, since my mission began, I have had less headaches and fatigue. Figure that one out! This is not to say those things won't happen again, but my attitude about them has changed greatly. Yes, our attitudes have MUCH to do with our physical condition. More on that later....

My key scripture for the week is Romans 12:2, which says...Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Nike says it and I'm saying it to you....JUST DO IT!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Life is Good, No Matter What Happens

For the millionth time this week, my dog, Sophie, has been a big stinker. Coming home after church on Sunday, I attempted to open the door, but something was pushed up against it. Oh, that can't be good, I thought. No, it wasn't. It was quite nasty. Our beloved Pooch had decided to explore the wastebasket....all over the kitchen floor. I would have blown a gasket normally, but the sight of her was too hysterical. She was so excited to see us, as usual, and ran out to the car to greet the rest of the family. As she ran past me, I noticed she had a large ziploc bag wrapped around her back foot, a sticky candy wrapper stuck to the inside of her leg, popcorn stuck in her ears, muzzle, and feet, yet she was happily wagging her tail and smiling at us.

That was Sunday afternoon. Later that night, as I made my way to the bathroom around midnight, I stepped in a fresh spot of pee Sophie had decided to make for me. Right in the bedroom. Right on the carpet. The carpet that was brand new in '05, just like the rest of the house. So, awake I was, cleaning up dog pee in the middle of the night. Muttering and mumbling while she made her way out to the kitchen for a DRINK! How dare she!

So, Tuesday after all my ridiculous runnings around, mishaps, and frustrations, plus a good ole headache, I came home to yet another wastebasket disaster. What is up with her?? Sometimes I get so angry I say absolutely nothing. If that happens, it's just not a good thing. I get scary quiet. You better just go the other way kind of quiet. So, I went to get the broom, completely frustrated with the dog. My helper, Serena, dropped her backpack, ran to get another trash bag and began to help me with the mess. She is a peacelover like me. Always trying to soften someone else's blow. It really calmed me down, and instead of throttling the dog, I gave Serena a hug and thanked her for helping me.

On Wednesday after dropping the girls off at church, we came home to a big puddle on the living room floor. Hardwood, thank Goodness, but still not cool at all. I sputtered and spit the whole time...she's ruining my house! I wailed.

Thursday morning. I caught Serena walking into the kitchen with a big rag, heading toward yet another Sophie creation....a lake on the kitchen floor. Good morning. There's your morning coffee. Hope you enjoy it, said the dog with a smile.

I announced to the family, yet again. THIS is why I say NO when you all beg me for puppies!! I can't take it anymore! Sophie is not sick, unless you count her mental stability, so her reason for all this mischief is boredom. She hates to be left alone, and has suffered from separation anxiety since the day we rescued her from medical research. I'm still glad we did that, by the way. Sophie has been the most gentle, docile, sweet, and loving dog I've ever had. You couldn't make her bite anyone if you tried. She was always so good with the girls when they were babies, and has brought us so much joy. She's comforting, loyal, and playful. She's getting old. Those are the reasons we'd never consider getting rid of her. Never!!

I am an animal lover, and I'll be perfectly frank with you. If you don't like animals, I usually don't like you! Especially if you don't like my dog. You may as well not come over. She was here first, dog or not. I don't trust people who don't like or respect animals. Generally Sophie loves everyone, but if she won't go to someone, I can bet I'll figure out later exactly why. She's a better judge of character than some people I know. While I value people more than animals, there are some animals who are much nicer to be around than some people! Come on, you know it's true!

The kind of unconditional love that animals give is why we frustrated owners will just put up with it. You can't reason with an animal. You can only train them. Sophie proved to be too excitable to train, although she is very smart. She knows a few tricks and the term "rawhide truck" sends her running for the door! We may have to get the kennel back out, or maybe the anti-anxiey meds again, but it's our job to care for her and give her the best life possible. We're not going to quit on her. She has given us way too many years of joy to let one week spoil it.

You can bet I won't be hearing "Mom, can we get a puppy?" for a long long time. Way to go, Sophie! See, she's working for my cause after all.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leave No One Behind

A few posts ago, I was talking about the importance of being "part of the circle", and making sure to include others (all others) in that circle...

Last Sunday, Pastor Dave's sermon touched on that very same concept. I can't quote him word for word (shoulda been taking notes), but the idea was that we need to be bringing people to Christ. What people? ALL people.

Then today at Bible Study, our fearless leader, Barb, talked about loving people, even difficult ones, and why that is so important to God. Some people irritate us, and really that's our own problem. Pray that we can see them the way God does, and whammo, you've got yourself a good thing.

Gee, ya think I was supposed to learn something here or what? I got it. Loud and clear, and that's why I'll keep talking about it here and everywhere else. It's like the economy. There is a lot to say about it, and people will keep talking until it's "fixed". How about a "spiritual bailout"? That's what I want to focus on here.

Can we bail others out spiritually? I wish we could, but it is a choice people have to make for themselves. How do they know what they're missing? You are supposed to be showing them. Not preaching at them. Showing them. Preaching is called preaching for a reason. No offense, PD, you're the best! And when you're not in a position to show them, pray for them and pray for yourself to have patience with them until they come around. Don't give up on anyone. They deserve that much from you. Why? Because God loves you and gave the ultimate sacrifice for you. That's good enough reason.

I have been rejected before, have you? Do you realize how many wounded people there are out there? Too many. Before I really got to know who I was in Christ, I let a whole lot of people lead my emotions and my reactions. I allowed my need for approval to take me on a roller coaster, which ultimately led nowhere, and the ride made me sick. Until I really understood that God loves me and will never forsake me, I let all that stuff fester up in me. Do you think I was fun to be around? Does that describe anyone in your life right now? What can you do about it? While you're thinking about that, I'll give you a couple of examples of mistakes Christians make. (myself included, though I'm ashamed to admit it)

I once asked someone I knew and liked a couple of questions. One was to request that if there was another fun ladies event at her church, would she inlude me. I explained that I was feeling empty at my current church and had started searching for another one. She weakly agreed. I don't think I have to tell you that she never invited me, although I knew there were some going on at the time. I took it personally, but accepted her reason; she forgot. My next approach was to ask if she could take some time with me and talk to me about her church and the dynamics of it. I told her that I didn't want to change churches without getting personal testimony about that church. Her reply was again, weak. Indifferent, noncommittal, lukewarm. At the time, I was frustrated. Didn't anyone want new people to come to their church, or what? I began questioning...doesn't she like me? Am I a horrible person? Am I not good enough?

Obviously, I was not very secure at the time. I was unhappy with my spiritual life, my friendships (too many lived far away and we had little contact), and I had 2 small children and a busy husband. It was clear that I was needy. That scares some people off, I know. It has scared me off before too. What wrong thinking that is, guys. Just wrong, and we all know it. Let me tell you the price we both paid. I no longer look up to her. I still like her and I'm not angry, but a part of me is still disappointed. I pray I have not made someone feel this way, but I am on the alert. If I have, there will be apologies, let me tell you. Relationships are important to God.

It's a big deal when someone reaches out to us and wants what we have. That's the work of a fruitful Christian! Just don't get so comfortable with yourself that you don't want to accept the challenges when they walk up to ask you questions! We sometimes don't want to deal with "broken" people because they suck the energy out of us. Yup. They sure do. We don't want to have a "tag-along" at every ladies event because we want to have fun and not worry about her all night. Yup. We are afraid to invite people in who might embarass us or sit with us and follow us around. Yup. Who says I'm not the one being a pain in the hiney? I've certainly been a pain to someone at some time. I'm not saying I personally feel that way about others, because I truly don't. I would be excited for someone to ask me the two questions I once asked a Christian. I have been inviting the same people to things and they never come. I would be ecstatic to see them there. Although my patience is thin in some areas, I tend to be more patient with people. I guess because I know I am not perfect and never will be! (Until I'm dead, that is....)

I understand rejection. I see painful emotions in people. There is a lot of insecurity out there. Someone comes to church once, no one talks to them, they never come back. Why? Someone just needs to throw them a line. Just one person. Who wants a tag along? GOD. Who wants the annoying, critical, oversensitive person sitting in church? GOD. Who loves that person the same as he loves you? GOD. Only God can give a spiritual bailout if someone asks him, receives his son, and asks for forgiveness for their sins. I believe through time with God and fellowship with other caring Christians, that a person can emerge into a confident, loving person. It is hard to be patient with people who are the description above. However, I was once a fraction of that person, and because of my patient, true Christian friends, and my spiritual growth, I am not that person anymore. To those who judge and criticize, ostracize, and reject, I say, shame on you. You are really missing out. When it comes to God's family, leave no one behind. Pray for your own eyes and heart to soften, to allow that person the grace that you yourself also need daily.

Be prepared for more posts about rejection. Evidently, God has a direction with this because it keeps coming up!

Monday, March 16, 2009

You're Never Too Old For Dirty Knees

What a beautiful Spring tease we had this past weekend! Tease or not, we enjoyed it for what it was and expected nothing more! That really is the way to enjoy life, isn't it?

On Saturday, we headed into town to buy Serena a new bike! She was so excited to be able to pick it out herself, and to not have to ride "sissy's old bike" anymore! She outgrew it by the end of summer last year anyway. It's pink and purple and she rides like a pro.
We piled out of the van and the girls ran for the "barn" to get busy playing. The sidewalk chalk, the jumpropes, the basketball, badminton racquets, the ball and bat, tennis balls, the kite, moon shoes, butterfly nets, yes...all of it! Natalie played a little one on one basketball with me, then with her dad. She's getting quite good, that one. I spent a long time using one of our new purchases, the super pooper scooper. Our dog was very faithful all winter to "go" in nearly every available spot. I then uncovered all the shrubs, picked up sticks, and determined that we must have a million deer and rabbits nearby, as I picked up that doo doo as well.

Steve kept busy doing "barn" stuff. I usually steer clear of that, as I've encountered furry critters many times while helping him. It turns out I'm not much help at all when I'm running away screaming. Let's just say I'm not a dependable "ladder holder" at all. Poor guy.

So, the girls and I have had a tradition ever since they were old enough to participate. The girls gather natural materials from the woods (except for moss) and then build a "fairy house". We have a book of really unique fairy houses, but they usually do a pretty good job on their own. They create the walls using sticks, then make furniture out of bark, leaves, pine needles, berries and pine cones. They usually put in a garden, firepit, a hill to climb, pond, swings, pathways,and whatever else their imagination allows. They are always a fun and unique creation of both of their ideas and they are always proud to show it off. Of course, the "fairies" come to visit, and if they are pleased, they leave quarters inside the house. The girls are pretty smart in keeping this tradition, don't you think??

They love to gather the materials together, walking in the woods, carrying a pail. I always enjoy watching them decide what they will pick up and use. They know not to disturb living things, so it has given them a respect for nature. Of course, Steve and I appreciate that they still like to get dirty and play! Until I do the laundry, that is......

Friday, March 13, 2009

My name is Jami, and I am a mother....

It seems there are more support groups for more and more things these days. I'm not complaining, but I just don't see one where I fit just yet. I mean, do they have a support group for mothers of pre-teens? Nope. Do they have one for aging dog owners? Do they have one for people who watch too much Mary Tyler Moore on DVD? I didn't think so! Now, these aren't really "problems", per se, but there are times I wonder, is there anyone out there like me? Anyone to relate to? Anyone who knows what I'm talking about?? Helloooooooo???

Sure, there are groups for baby and toddler moms, but what about the moms of older kids? Yikes. Do you know there are worse things out there than potty training and weaning? Yes, it's called puberty! It's called acne! It's called boys! It's called.... okay, you get the idea.

We humans have a need to relate to others, especially women. I mean, get us in a room together talking about childbirth, and do we have the stories! Bring up chocolate and we all laugh! We do seem to have a lot in common, but sometimes not enough. Sometimes you do all that laughing and walk away empty. Why is that, I often wonder....maybe we're looking for something that's hard to find.

Having been an eleven year old girl myself at one time (long ago), I should know what she's going through, right? No! How could you think that? She's not me! It's not the 80's anymore! Life is so different for her than it was for me. I have the books, I've done the research, but what I need is a mom who knows what I'm talking about! Maybe her daughter is about 13, so it's still fresh in her mind and she's still dealing with it. That's the support group I would join.

Yes, the Good Lord is helping me to raise these fine girls, and he won't let me down. I still believe he will bring me that mentor I described. He gives me the grace I need each day to do what is best for those two girls. He'll provide me with all the support I need. He will prepare me to help other moms too!

Well, while I'm waiting for that support group, I thought up a few others I'm hoping will surface soon....

"I ate too many m & m's and now I'm craving chips" Support group

"I can't find my keys, my watch, or anything else" Support group

"My dog is peeing on the bedroom carpet " Support group

"I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself" support group

"I can't stop singing the Mary Tyler Moore theme song" Support group

"I wear my husband's socks because I don't have my own" Support group

"Oh where oh where did my muscle tone go?" Support group

Okay, there are more, but I will spare you of my incessant ramblings for now. This is what happens after dark when I open up a fresh coke. I guess this is what also happens when moms realize the "talk" is inevitable...ugh! I'm just freaking out a little. Do you have a little one? Take a look and picture having to tell them about the birds and the bees. Are you in tears yet? That's my life as I know it right now! This growing up stuff is hard for them and for me too. I didn't really plan on ever re-living my childhood. Through your children, you just do! You love them so much and want to help them out. You can't help but feel what they feel. Support group? We moms need an ARMY of support! I think I'll bring a truckload of m & m's to the first meeting......:)

Be blessed today, and if you're a mommy like me, hang in there!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Congratulations, Natalie!

On Tuesday night, we had the pleasure of watching Natalie be inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society. This is a first for Coleman Elementary, having newly been selected as a charter member. This is exciting both for our school and for Nat! She and 31 other students became members based on their grades since 3rd grade/second quarter, their good citizenship, and a willingness to help their fellow students and staff.

Natalie, along with 2 of her friends, Grace and Carley, were featured in the Midland Daily News, page A3 (today's edition). They looked very cute, of course.

It was a fun night of celebration, and a real boost of motivation for our little school. These kids who are exceptional students deserve to be recognized, and I'm so glad our school is a part of this. The kids on the way up have something new to strive for!

They will be involved in community projects, which have not been decided upon just yet. I am looking forward to watching Natalie excel in all she sets out to do!

32 of CES' brightest students.....10 fourth graders, 11 fifth graders, and 11 sixth graders. 27 girls and 5 boys. Way to go, kids!!

TV and Me...A Reality

Last night's American Idol was pretty surprising. I don't think I've ever seen such passion and energy coming out of the contestants. They are really taking this seriously! I have a standout favorite, ever since the first audition, and that would be Danny. I love music with soul, and he definitely has that! The judges thought he was great too. I can hear him on the radio, and I can see his CD sitting on my dashboard. He's stinking good, folks.

I am being pretty mellow this season, I think because I feel they chose at least a few who have promise. No Sanjayas, no Willliam Hungs! I have to say there are at least 4 who I don't think are going to go very far, but will get votes because people like them and they are humble! Who doesn't love a humble person??

The song choices were all Michael Jackson picks, which I didn't necessarily agree with. I think something more current is a much better representation of the different voices, and Michael has really lost his grip with reality. Sad to say.

I really don't know what to think of Adam. He's a little over the top and a bit theatrical for me. I would expect by his rocker look that he would have that throaty, gritty voice, but he sounds a bit more like Rosemary Clooney. I know, it's weird. Maybe I should clean out my ears. Or his.

I like the 16 year old purply haired girl a bit, but she's just plain goofy. I don't think her music is something I would run out and buy, but then, I'm not a teeny bopper. I think her mouth is made of rubber and she never seems to make sense when she speaks. She definitely has some pipes. She just needs to pull it together.

Speaking of goofy, there's Megan Corkrey, who sang "rockin' robin", not one of my favorite songs. In fact, I just despise it. She didn't make me love it even a pinch. She's quirky and strange, and her voice is like talking, smiling,singing all at the same time, which is so confusing to me. She's a beautiful girl, that's for sure, but can beauty make up for a weird voice? I don't think so.

I like Alexis Grace, the tiny little blonde, but she definitely oversang last night. I was turning down my volume, and she looked like she was in pain at the end.

Lil Rounds is outstanding, however, the song she chose did nothing for her amazing voice, and white pleated pants? Are you kidding me? I hope she sticks around, because I think she'll be in the finals! Hopefully they will get her a better stylist.

I also like the piano guy from Kalamazoo, but since singing a super rendition of "Georgia on my mind" at the auditions, he hasn't blown me away yet. He's got some major talent, although he's a little Justin Timberlake for me, and I'm not so into the boy band style.

The others who sang were not all that memorable for me, not even Scott, who is visually impaired. I think this guy shows some definite courage, but I don't think he's that great of a singer. I think the two going home will be Anoup and Jorge. We'll see if I'm right.

The judges are keeping it interesting. Paula seems very normal. Well, normal for Paula, and I actually like the new judge, Kara. Simon has been his usual self. I may not care for his delivery, but he is usually on the money about what he is saying. He gets away with it because he's Simon, I guess. I would like a "simon" pass sometimes.

I watched Dancing with the Stars on Monday night, well, I flipped through it while on DVR, and I have to ask one question....who are the stars??? Melissa from the Bachelor?? Hello, 5 minutes of fame and now you're a star?? I think that show is desperate!! While I enjoy the dancing, I really wanted to see real stars, so it's a disappointment. I may only watch until Max is off, because he's just a real live cutie.

Oh, don't judge me! Where there is music and dance, there I will go. Don't hate me because I love culture. Hate me because I have DVR and you don't. TEE HEE

Monday, March 9, 2009

Well enough to complain

Well, it seems Natalie and I have a milder cold than what we originally thought. Maybe it's just spring allergies. Our whole family seems to battle it all winter! Anyway, after a nice long headache early in the morning, I'm pretty tired today, but well enough to complain a bit.

Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of listening to chronic complainers? It wears me out to no end to hear the same things over and over and over again! Are they trying to steal my joy? I have to wonder sometimes. It is exasperating and tiring to hear others going on and on about everything they hate that is going on in the world. Have you nothing positive to add to anything? Is life all that horrible or do you just have too much time to think??

Listen, it's not all about what you see on the news. It's not about what you hear at the local hot spot. It's not about what you read in the papers and useless rags at the market. If you need something better to do than complain, here are a few suggestions!!

Get involved!! If you have time to complain, you have time to volunteer. If you are passionate about something, then go do something about it. Don't just forward the latest email about what everyone else is griping about, that just annoys people. And please, don't go spouting off about things you haven't researched yourself! That's a sure way to get a rep as a big ole dummy! If you want to be heard, you better back it up with facts!! Not just one set, but all of them. Both sides of the pancake, baby.

Sure, some things bug me, but when I see you, I want to talk about you!! I want to know what you're up to, what you're about, and what you feel! I don't necessarily care about your political stance because that's not something I will ever remember you by. I don't want to hear your radical opinions on churches and schools. I just want to say "hi!". If I haven't seen you in awhile, the last thing I want to do is hear you gripe about your taxes, your insurance rate, and what you think of the economy. I want to hear about you and what makes you happy.

Fair weather friend, am I? I don't think so. I just tend to want to surround myself with people who have joy, no matter what is going on around them. People who want to feel better, want to do better, and want to make an impression wherever they go. Not someone who just wants to get his latest opinion on some consipiracy within the lunchroom. Please, spare us! I can't take it anymore!

Like I said, find something better to do with your time. There is more to you than that, I just know it. Yank it out from somewhere deep within you, do some good with it, and you'll be surprised at how little you feel like complaining after that.

God gave us life so we would have joy! Get out there and be joyful, or else!! You can care about the cares of the world without being a great big heavy wet blanket. Really, you can. Give it a whirl.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, I dew it was cubbing. I'b sick. I hab a code and my dose is ruddig. I'b cwanky and stuffy and vewy tiwed.
Nat is sick too. Can't I eber be sick by byself??
See you whed I'b feelid detter.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Married to a Gentleman

I had a visit with a husband of a friend of mine. He said he was taking his wife out for dinner and a movie. I said, great! Have a wonderful time. Spoil her rotten and open all the doors for her. Tell her she's beautiful and hold her hand. He gave me a weird look, then responded....she'll wonder what I'm up to! She won't let me open the doors for her! I said, do it anyway!! I always encourage my friends husbands to go that extra mile for their sweeties.

Well, today I had the pleasure of hanging out with my hubby for the day. Guess what? He held my hand and opened all the doors. He spoiled me many times today! Oh, don't worry, I spoil him too. Anyway, about the door thing....my first instinct is to grab the car door handle too, because I'm a little impatient and I am also very independent. Well, Steve's solution worked well. He simply keeps the car door locked until he can get a chance to unlock and open the door himself. Too sweet, that one! Those guys observing him today hopefully learned something about being a gentleman.

Last night, I saw a Hershey kiss commercial and said jokingly, I want a hershey kiss!! Who has a hershey kiss around here? Anybody? Then I proceeded to tell Steve how Patty goes on and on about how good the coconut creme ones are and how they just recently started carrying them here in MI. Steve says to me, ya really want one of those coconut ones? I said, yeah, but we don't have any. He says, hmmm.... then leaves the room, comes back and slaps a full bag of hershey coconut creme kisses on the counter in front of me. Miracle? It sure felt like it!! I don't think I'd ever mentioned them before!! How cool is that?? I'm sure he felt like a million bucks doing that and I'm glad. Whenever he blesses me, I want him to be blessed too. We're just sickening that way, girls! I guess commercials really work. If it hadn't been for that hershey kiss commercial, I'd never known how cool that was at that moment! Of course, I shouldn't be eating that stuff, but it was a treat, which I allow myself from time to time to time to time, etc... continued on air.

Well, I must go now. It's family movie night and Steve has a spot waiting for me on the couch. Did I mention the peanut m&m's? Those are waiting for me too! I pray the men in your lives are treating you like the princesses you are, whether it's a hubby, boyfriend, father, uncle, brother, men in church, etc... it's a blessing to let them, so please do!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is...........American Idol!

I'm back to dish about my fave show, American Idol. Why do I like it so much, you ask? Because I am crazy crazy crazy about music!!! I am inspired by the courage of the contestants, and annoyed by Simon. It's all good!! It's a show we can all watch together and it's just a nice escape from reality.

Though we still don't know who the last 3 contestants are (tonight's show will determine that), I see a few standouts already! One is Lil Rounds...she's fantastic! I also like Danny, the guy who lost his wife a few months ago...actually I like a little bit about each one so far...I will be careful to pick the winner. I chose David Cook last time and guess what? He won!!

As soon as they begin the "real" show, I will definitely give my two cents, because I know how much you want me to. Who knows what musical memories the show will drag up from my past this time? Remember the Neil Diamond story? Oh, you don't? Don't worry, I have more stories to tell.

Hope you're tuned in and ready to comment on your favorites! If you are not a fan, please don't share that with me or I will have to deck you. Toodles!

Circle Time

Years ago, when I was a Daisy Girl Scout leader, one of the girls' favorite activities was a game called "Spiderweb". The girls named it themselves. Twenty two kindergarten girls sat in a big circle with one of them holding a ball of yarn. At my "go", she would toss the ball while still holding the end of the yarn. Each girl who caught it did the same until everyone had a piece of yarn and the whole mess looked like a spiderweb. They giggled like crazy, and when the game was over, we'd do it all over again.

Most of the time everyone was included, but now and then I'd notice someone getting left out. I let it happen once to use it as a lesson. When the game was done, I'd ask them to describe the spiderweb. "It's crooked", "It doesn't look like a spiderweb anymore", etc... That's because someone was left out of the circle! It can't be complete without everyone being a part of it, I'd remind them. I'd ask them how they'd feel if someone didn't throw the yarn to them. "Sad", "mad", "I'd cry", they'd answer.

Circle breakers. Kids aren't the only ones guilty of that. There are adults who don't want to toss the yarn to "her" either. What would people think? I believe to someone else, we are also a "her". Don't we want someone to toss it to us? Someone has to toss the yarn at some point. You don't have to like them, enjoy their company, or invite them to go shopping with you. But what if you tried? That just might make a difference to "her". Circles form. Unity happens. God smiles.

Don't hold on to your piece of the yarn. Close your eyes and give it a good throw. Open your eyes and be ready for whatever challenge is in front of you. We can learn a lot from 5 year olds, we just should remember not to act like them.

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Romans 12:3

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

De-junking, "Kate" style

After watching an episode of "Jon & Kate Plus Eight" the other night, I got inspired to clean! Kate is a bit of a control/neat freak(self described). On the episode, they had gone back to their old house (which they had just vacated for a new one) to pick up the rest of their "stuff". Kate was shocked to find old shirts of Jon's in the attic, and tons of "junk" stashed here and there throughout their house and garage. So, the flinging began. She went right to town, no questions asked, no stopping to think about it, she just flung. That is my kind of girl!

Inspired by her energy and success, I headed down to our basement, which contains much of our "junk" from our move, 3 years ago. Our brand new spotless basement became the dumping ground for whatever we didn't want to put upstairs.

Let's see, I said aloud. Eeny, Meeny, Miny....Steve's stuff! Yeah, I'll start there... So, I opened the first bin. Wow. All of his high school sports jerseys. All of his post-high school sport uniforms, his autographed class of '84 shirt....his varsity jacket....I felt like I was in a time warp- a vintage store, a Happy Days episode. I pulled out a couple jerseys I thought the girls might want to wear to the football games. Natalie actually "called" the one with the number "1" on it. So cute, to be claiming dad's old shirt....He was actually pretty small in school (and very cute, my Homecoming King candidate)...don't tell him I told you...

I didn't actually have the heart to fling any of Steve's memories, so I went on to another bin....my stuff. Oh, all of my General Hospital memorabilia. Yes, I was a huge Luke and Laura fan back in the early 80's. I had every news clipping, every magazine, you name it. I made 2 huge scrapbooks with all my favorite stories and characters. Okay, I stopped watching that about 14 years ago! There it goes, Kate! Right into the recycling bin! I know, not as exciting as trashing it, but I do believe in conservation. Aren't I a bore?? Well, you just deal with it, honey.

I also found old cheerleading pictures from eighth grade. Oh, you poor skinny, bad-haired girl with too-big shoes. What a disaster that year turned out to be! Oh, middle school, why did you have it in for me? And Jerry, why did you have to be such a jerk to me?? Your relentless teasing is why you never got past 5 feet tall. What comes around goes around, bud. Seriously, I'm just having fun here...no grudges....truly.

So, another trip down memory lane led to not getting much accomplished. I do plan to go down and "Kate-ify" my basement. If she can do it with 8 kids, I can do it too! I love the feeling of purging things from my house. I often imagine a big scale with the numbers going down, as if my house is losing weight and breathing easy. Having too much stuff and clutter around me is very stressful. Even if it's down in the basement, I still know it's there!

Each day I will tackle at least one item and make a decision about it. The garage sale will be in June, for those of you who enjoy another man's junk.
And Kate, if you're not too busy with those eight kids and your busy schedule, come and help me de-junk my basement. I like your style!

(Jon and Kate Plus Eight is on at 9:00 pm Monday nights on TLC...also in re-runs at different times. I highly recommend her book, Multiple Blessings....a great book that made me really appreciate my kids even more. Jon and Kate are Christians, too!)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Words of Wisdom From Joyce Meyer

Are you letting your problems take up too much of your thoughts? I notice that I do that sometimes...Joyce Meyer gave a good visual of what happens when we waste time "fighting" with the devil. Our backs become turned from the answer, which is God. When we finally are no longer "shaken up" by the devil and instead spend time with God, God will take the enemy right out of our hands.

She gave a few great statements (along with supporting scripture) that I will type up and tape where I can see them at all times.

"I will never quit. I will never give up. There is nothing that is too hard for me. Whatever God tells me to do, I can do it. It is NOT too hard. I will NOT quit. I will NOT give up."

This one will be hung wherever my kids argue the most...

"Respond peacefully even if you feel like screaming!"

And this one will hang by my phone, since sometimes people bring me more grief than I want to handle. (and no, it's not ANY of you who read my blog!)

"I'm not getting upset about this!"

I'll hang this one over the kitchen sink, since I spend half my life there anyway...

"The only way you're ever going to have victory is if you learn how to do what's right when it still feels wrong."

Sometimes we get all wrapped up in a problem and let it sprout wings and take off with us (my words now). Joyce gives this advice....

"When you have a problem, you have to give it to God. Don't sit around waah waah waahing over what'll I do? Poor me! Oh no!! Why do I have all these problems? It's not fair! Why won't the devil just leave me alone...." Seriously, give it to God. If he reveals something he wants you to do about it, then do it. If he doesn't, then you have to wait for him."

"Make your mind up that no matter what happens, you're gonna keep on keepin' on, and you're gonna hold your ground and do what you know is right until you wear the devil out!"

1Peter 5:6-7 (NIV)
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

in due time....that doesn't mean our idea of time, but God's timing. His help will come at the right time. Don't give up! Don't quit! Don't grow tired of trying! Give it to God and resist the devil. Wait upon the Lord, and pray!

Yes, it is cold out! Yes, we're tired of it! We're tired of feeling sick and tired! We are tired of the economy and hearing all about doom and gloom! However, I don't want to spend time hearing about it or talking about it. I can't do anything about those things. What I can do is spend time talking to God and giving him my day and all the concerns in it. He will take care of it all...

in due time!!
Be blessed today and catch Joyce Meyer now and then. She's the bright spot on my tv every day!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...