Okay, so we talked about Martha and Mary today at Bible Study, and I still don't know for sure...am I a Mary or a Martha? Well, I guess I have multiple personalities, because sometimes I am both! So, if you don't know who I'm talking about, check out Luke, Chapter 10, verses 38-42. Martha's all worried about making everything perfect because the Lord and His disciples are coming over. Mary decides that spending time at Jesus' feet is more important than all of that fussing. Of course, Martha thinks that's just irresponsible of her! Why should she have to do all the work while Mary gets to visit with the Lord? How unfair! What does Jesus think? He thinks Mary has the right idea! (as usual, seek your Bible for accurate representation!)
Have you ever felt like Martha or Mary? Are you unbalanced when it comes to gatherings? Are you in the kitchen making everything just "so" while everyone else is visiting and laughing, or are you visiting with your guests instead? This is a tough one to admit, I know!
I'm sorry, Mom, but I have to pick on you just a tad and you know why! Let's just say Martha was imprinted on her forehead for a long time! Now, I'm seeing more Mary come out of her, and it's a nice change! She still wants to wait on everyone, and she still wants everything to go well, but she's doing things ahead of time so she can have time to enjoy her family! Way to go, Mom! One of her spiritual gifts is clearly hospitality, so it's no surprise that she wants everyone to feel at home when visiting her. It is hard to "pull back" from the things you're used to doing, but if we don't, we get out of balance. In my mom's view, she feels a need to serve others and spoil them while in her company. It's a mom thing, for sure. However, she is also very good at encouraging and entertaining her guests too. Maybe she's found that balance after all. Believe me, we never thought we'd see the day that mom would be relaxed during a family gathering, but it has happened! It has been so much more enjoyable to have her presence, and not her preoccupation. Does any of that sound like you or someone you know? Could I avoid years of frustration by learning from mom? A resounding "YES"!
Someone at Bible study asked, well, what if Martha wasn't in the kitchen cooking for all those people? What would they eat? She's right, but as it was pointed out in our lesson today, it was the balance issue. Martha was more focused on "what about me" than "what about Jesus." It brought the question to all of our minds, "Are we focused on Jesus enough?"
I don't really know if I am more of one than the other, but I do know I have both Martha and Mary in me at different times. I had to laugh at Joyce Meyer, one of her sermons was about trying to do too much...a picnic of hot dogs turned into steaks. A party of 6 turned into 40....it went on and on. She was too worried about impressing and pleasing people.
How often do we fall into that trap? People are going to either like you or not like you, and believe me, it won't have anything to do with what you serve them! We want to please others, but we have to please Jesus first. After that, it will fall right into place!
I want to be like Mary, spiritual and making time for the Lord, but I also need Martha, who would be the first one planning the meals and getting it done!
Balance is possible, but it takes a deliberate commitment on our part!
Thank you, fearless leader, Barb, for bringing this subject to light! :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
What is Your Message?
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