Monday, March 9, 2009

Well enough to complain

Well, it seems Natalie and I have a milder cold than what we originally thought. Maybe it's just spring allergies. Our whole family seems to battle it all winter! Anyway, after a nice long headache early in the morning, I'm pretty tired today, but well enough to complain a bit.

Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of listening to chronic complainers? It wears me out to no end to hear the same things over and over and over again! Are they trying to steal my joy? I have to wonder sometimes. It is exasperating and tiring to hear others going on and on about everything they hate that is going on in the world. Have you nothing positive to add to anything? Is life all that horrible or do you just have too much time to think??

Listen, it's not all about what you see on the news. It's not about what you hear at the local hot spot. It's not about what you read in the papers and useless rags at the market. If you need something better to do than complain, here are a few suggestions!!

Get involved!! If you have time to complain, you have time to volunteer. If you are passionate about something, then go do something about it. Don't just forward the latest email about what everyone else is griping about, that just annoys people. And please, don't go spouting off about things you haven't researched yourself! That's a sure way to get a rep as a big ole dummy! If you want to be heard, you better back it up with facts!! Not just one set, but all of them. Both sides of the pancake, baby.

Sure, some things bug me, but when I see you, I want to talk about you!! I want to know what you're up to, what you're about, and what you feel! I don't necessarily care about your political stance because that's not something I will ever remember you by. I don't want to hear your radical opinions on churches and schools. I just want to say "hi!". If I haven't seen you in awhile, the last thing I want to do is hear you gripe about your taxes, your insurance rate, and what you think of the economy. I want to hear about you and what makes you happy.

Fair weather friend, am I? I don't think so. I just tend to want to surround myself with people who have joy, no matter what is going on around them. People who want to feel better, want to do better, and want to make an impression wherever they go. Not someone who just wants to get his latest opinion on some consipiracy within the lunchroom. Please, spare us! I can't take it anymore!

Like I said, find something better to do with your time. There is more to you than that, I just know it. Yank it out from somewhere deep within you, do some good with it, and you'll be surprised at how little you feel like complaining after that.

God gave us life so we would have joy! Get out there and be joyful, or else!! You can care about the cares of the world without being a great big heavy wet blanket. Really, you can. Give it a whirl.

1 comment:

Shoemaker Family said...

Say it again, girl!

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...