Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blessing-o De Cinco

Okay, forget it. It's been years since Spanish class. Oh well. Here are my five (cinco) positive things today...

1. Hanging plastic Easter eggs on the crabtree with my girls

2. Having a "conversation" with a cardinal...I like to whistle back

3. Neil at the Sleep Disorders Lab at MMRMC....thank you!

4. Giving Natalie a "mini facial" yesterday..girl time!

5. Serena yelling "I LOVE YOU MOM!!" long after I tucked her in

There is much sadness and disorder in the world. There is a lot to gossip chatter if you let yourself fall into that sort of thing. There is a lot of misery, pain, and addiction. Failures, dysfunctions, and abuse. It's everywhere out there. It seems to be on the news 24/7. It will drag you down if you allow it to. HOWEVER.......

Choose to focus on what is GOOD. If we dwell too much on the chaff, we'd never get the grain. Get out there and reap your harvest!!
Oh, and Buenas Dias!!

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...