Friday, March 27, 2009

I Will Keep On Counting!

This last week some things happened unexpectedly in some families around me. A sudden death, a lingering death, a complicated birth. Yet, through it all, God's hand is there. The blessings are there, though some may not be seen for awhile. I can't say that I've always seen the blessings right away when something tragic happens. In fact, I'm still questioning some things that happened many years ago. It's not that I'm stuck in the past with it, but sometimes things happen in this world that do not make sense then and don't make sense now. What I've learned to do is stop trying to "figure it out" and I just learned to trust. It's a blessing to be able to let something go and know that it is being worked out for good. I don't have to do anything to fix it, and in most cases, I couldn't fix it anyway.

Many people have said to me that they will have a list of questions for God one day when they reach heaven. I smile and say, "you won't care about any of that once you get there!" Yet, I understand that exact feeling. We're in the flesh and we always want answers! Somehow we look at life as a puzzle and think every piece has to fit just so! If a piece doesn't go in right, we want to make it fit and we want to know why it doesn't fit!

Give those frustrations and questions over to God. He knows what you're going through and he knows all your questions already. Some may be answered here on earth if we're quiet enough and if we're paying attention. Some will never be answered. Sometimes I feel like a child when I say "But, why???" Then I give myself the adult answer, "You don't get to know everything!"
When I see others go through something that I think would devastate me, I have to remind myself that the advice I give others also applies to me. Oh, that's a tough one to swallow. I sometimes fear my faith wouldn't be strong enough to endure the unspeakable. Yet, I know from reading the Bible that it in fact will get me through anything if I keep it strong.
I don't know where all that came from...I was just going to post my five today, since it's my last day of "fives". SO, here are my five blessings of today, and I know they will be multiplied a million times today!

1. Those wonderful birds serenading me today. Thank you God for your creation! It inspires me.

2. The love and support of my parents, who are ALWAYS there for all of us!! Thank you God for choosing them for me! Thank you for all you are doing in their lives.

3. Reuniting with my brothers, my sister, and cousins....(still praying on another brother)....thank you God for answered prayers and your unfailing love, hope, and promises!!

4. A day to clean, do laundry, and plan a nice dinner....uninterrupted. Thank you God for my home and your provisions. I will not take them for granted. They come from you!

5. My husband, my rock, my biggest fan, my best friend, my blessing. Thank you God, for bringing me just the right person at just the right time! He's the bomb!

6. My beautiful girls, who brought out a side of me I didn't know I had, and who love me so tenderly. Thank you God for allowing me to be a mom to these special girls, and thank you that they are healthy!

Oops, I did it again. I didn't even realize I typed a sixth one! I know that you'll agree that we all have more than five a day. Concentrate on those blessings and encourage others to do the same. Yes, you can do it. Even when you're grouchy! Even when the rug just got pulled out from under you! Even when the unspeakable happens. Have a blessed day and know that you are loved by the God who made you!!

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

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