Sunday, April 24, 2011

Because He Lives

Easter has been on my mind for the past week, but mostly because I needed to do some running for basket fillers and food items. We spent time doing cookies and eggs and all the "traditional" festivities of Easter.

We also know the real Reason we celebrate Easter! We still use our Resurrection eggs to retell the story we all know so well. We know God gave His Son on the cross to pay for all of our sins. We know God's power raised His Son from the dead. How awesome is that?? We know the details, and yet the emotion waits for the actual Easter day every year.

It's the hearing of our amazing praise and worship team at church. It's the remembering of the cross and all it represents for lowly ole me. It's being a mother and knowing I could never watch my child die like Jesus did, let alone any other way. It's humbling.

I cry because of all He did for me, but I cry because I don't love Him nearly enough. I couldn't possibly. I feel like such a taker.

I felt that way at church this morning, as the Praise and Worship team poured their hearts out on the stage. As the kids came in and sang so sweetly to us. As I heard the lyrics and watched the changed faces around me and saw the tears. As I knew how much time they all put into the gifts they presented. All for Him and all for us. I really don't deserve that and I know it. I haven't been giving back enough. I've been busy taking.

I thought of the weeks and the months I have had, feeling "less than", is the only way I can put it right now. Feeling less, but knowing better because He died and because He lives that I can and should rejoice no matter how I FEEL.

But today is about Him, not me, and yet He would say it is all for US! He wants so much for us. To be able to give and take freely and most of all to be grateful and humbled by His Great Love!

Happy Easter, friends

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