Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring? Is it really you?

I can say that "s" word now, as "S"pring has kinda sorta probably arrived around here. The animals are definitely in the mood, let me tell ya. I know more about turkeys than should be legal! They don't "get a room", if you know what I mean....right there in my yard! :) Can't wait for the mama to bring her babies for a visit in a few weeks!

The girls busted out of the van on Sunday after church and ran straight for the backyard to toss the football around. Barefoot, in dresses, sweater thrown in reckless abandon in the grass. Love it!

The flowers are blooming, and I can smell the hyacinths in the air. It is so refreshing to finally get out of the house and feel the warm air and sun on my face. A "SAD" sufferer, I need SO much light to keep me going, hence the reason I live in a glass house!

Sophie is still not doing much better and we're nearing a decision. I don't talk about this much as you notice, but it has been agonizing on my spirit for months now. I've been grieving, though I haven't lost her yet. I can't imagine people who take care of those with a terminal illness. It's no comparison, but it is certainly a big issue in our family. Painful and slow. Up and down. Sigh.

Back to signs of spring...worms! The other day several worms made it into the garage and behind my van. Yes, I flung them out so I wouldn't run them over. Don't laugh. I said, 'happy to see you, now get out'.

And of course, leading the signs of spring would be the sounds of birds singing, frogs croaking, and water dripping from the gutters. I love it all. Even the giant list of "to-do's" that will begin to overtake the kitchen counter.

Spring. You've sprung, you sneaky little "s"-word!

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