Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Rain rain rain. One of the good things about rain is that we're all stuck inside together. Why is that a good thing? Well, we all get a little punchy when we're stuck inside, and my family just gets funnier and funnier. Usually.

On the way to school yesterday, Serena in her great wisdom says to me, "I'd just like to see if these so-called April showers really bring May flowers."

I'm with her. Is this Spring thing real or what?

Spiders are also making their way into our human spaces, and they are not welcome let me tell you! I sucked one up with the vacuum cleaner yesterday, then pictured it holding on for dear life inside the tube just to come out and get me later.

Natalie also had a little spider trespassing on her bedroom ceiling last night. I was downstairs, but could hear the girls talking about what they were going to do about the spider. I called up there, "How big is he?" Natalie, knowing my great fear of the 8-legged monster says back, "Big enough to take down the whole house!" Then laughing, she admits it's pretty tiny, in fact. Serena, in her infinite silliness walked into the bedroom, looked up at the spider and said rather seriously, "Excuse me, Sir or Madam, could you please get off my sister's ceiling?" Natalie exploded into giggles and I chuckled at her ridiculous but clever humor. Sir or Madam. That girl cracks me up daily, I'm telling you.

So, it might be a wet and wicked Wednesday, but I know that what's raining in my house is a whole lot of silliness. Who needs an umbrella for that?

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