Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Picture

I was at my mom's house just a few days before my brother passed, taking care of her dog. She was taking my other brother to Ann Arbor with a lung infection after his heart surgery. Something made me look up at this picture she had recently hung in her foyer. I'm the little one. Jeff is in the light suit, Tim in the dark suit, and my sister Lori in the back. 
I impulsively snapped a picture of it with my phone, and thought we were a cute bunch back then. I think I look to be about 3 or 4 here. 

This was just one of many "signs" that I felt, saw, encountered before my brother passed away that very weekend. 
I had recently thought about Jeff and his influence on my taste in music as I was baking one day. It came to me in a flash, and I remember thinking, "why am I thinking about this?" I was talking about him vividly the week before, which is not something I would normally do. I was planning to text him and ask him some travel questions, but never did. 
His friends were coming to my mind. I didn't know why. If anything, I thought I should have been thinking of my other brother who was having health complications after heart surgery. The one who was told "you might not survive this. You could stroke out. You could die on the table." Oddly enough I calmly told my mom one day, "God has given me peace about this surgery. He will be fine."
He is still doing well. 
But my seemingly healthy brother eternally rests. 
Why did I snap that picture? 
One day I will know. 
Right now it still makes no sense. 

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