Monday, December 22, 2014

Hidden Blessings

If I've never gotten the meaning of Christmas before, I really get it this year. 

I'm usually in a flurry of activity in December, and it's all about shopping for the perfect gift, baking the favorite cookie, making the candy, going to this event or that event, and "keeping traditions alive". I am known for my cute Christmas card photos, with the girls all cute in matching scarves, and the dog in their arms. Not this year. No photo shoot. I printed a handful of cards for special people and used a favorite photo from a trip to the summer cottage. A time when we were all happy. 

 Well, since spending my spring and summer and a good deal of my fall trying to recover, and then losing my brother suddenly, none of those so-called "necessary" things mattered to me this year. In fact, when Serena became very ill this past weekend and the doctor feared mononucleosis, I simply said, "well, healing is the most important thing. We will stay home for Christmas."  

When we learned my newly widowed sister-in-law and my 2 nephews were going to be alone for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we agreed to put off our family party anyway so my parents could go down and spend the holidays with them, at young Justin's request. 

Well, now my mom is sick and it's looking like all trips and celebrations are going to be delayed anyway. 

As I drove into town for something today, I was doing some praying, and one thing jumped out at me. I found myself thanking God that Christmas could be celebrated every day, that the gift of his Son was the Gift that keeps on giving anyway. Why we put all this pressure on one day bewilders me. We get so stuck on tradition and "having" to do it this way or that way that we forget December 25 is just a chosen day to celebrate. 

Like my girls said, why on earth is Christmas during flu season anyway? There is no snow in the desert. None of this makes sense! ;) I love it! I agree. Aren't the roads always messing things up too?? We are supposed to get a little yucky weather when??  You guessed it- Christmas Eve and Day! 

So, our plans are a little messed up. But I assured my girls of these two things: we will honor the birth of our Savior, first and foremost, by not focusing on all the wrong things! We will be grateful for our blessings and for who we get to spend the time with, and for the hope of the time we will get to be together. I regret that the last Christmas I got to see my brother was 2 years ago. He never did find the time to come up last year. He was too busy. But I am grateful that when he did make the time to come (sometimes last minute), I dropped everything to come and see him. And I took pictures, even though it annoyed him. And because I did that, we have a nice family picture of all of us. The only one ever taken. I cherish it. 

Blessings. Hiding among sickness. Hiding among missed parties. Messed up plans. Hiding in unexpected loss. Coming out of ashes. We can fight our circumstances or we can ask God to help us find the hidden blessings in them. 

And if we really think about it, we can always have it a whole lot worse. 

Merry Christmas....Happy Holidays...blessings to you! May love and peace overflow into your heart and soul and into those you love. 


Angela said...

I really like the perspective you bring to the holidays Jami. It is so true that Christmas is a made up day and that Christmas is really all year long. I've been spending some time reflecting not just on Jesus' first coming but his last coming and the New Jerusalem when all will be new. I'm feeling fatigue and not in the "party" mood. The only reason my little tree got decorated was because I had to entertain a 4 year old friend. Glad it's twinkling now but looking forward to a quiet Christmas.

sirnorm1 said...

May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year of healing and blessing. May the blessing of the Lord and the healing of our God be on you and in you this year miss Jami. Mal. 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

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