Saturday, March 29, 2014

Big question

"Where are you (Adam)?" 
                     Genesis 3:9

Simple question, but what's the answer? God knew where Adam was, "hiding" in the garden, "hiding" from God. He asked the question anyway because he wanted Adam to see his truth. 

This verse, this sentence, has been stuck in my mind for weeks. It's almost like a constant reminder that God is near. Kind of a funny verse to get that point, especially since the Bible is full of verses about God's nearness to us. If I didn't have to type on my iPhone, I would include all of those Scriptures just to make my point. 

But for some reason, "where are you?" Is powerful in its 3-word simplicity. Where am I? Good question. Am I walking in the Spirit or trying to handle life my way? Am I honest with myself? Am I trying to "hide" from God? Myself? Am I living a life that glorifies God? 

Boy, where am I? Good question. I'm not where I should be. Sure, I've been battling this mystery illness and staying home rather than getting to church. I've been lazy with my Bible study and my time with God. Is there anywhere more important to be? No. I'm not always where I should be. 

"Where are you?" 

3 little words. Huge question. 

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

I'm at peace.

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