Thursday, March 27, 2014

Oh Snow

Dear Snow, 
I was sorry to see you today. In fact, you showed up uninvited twice this week. Usually a hospitable lady, I'm no longer enjoying your stay. You've been around since Thanksgiving! You caused me to put out a third of my normal Christmas decorations, all of which are still frozen to the ground. Considering it's almost time for "spring break", you have clearly worn out your welcome. See, I'm not enjoying you from under my cozy blanket, tea in hand. I'm not celebrating you by turning up Tony Bennett's "Snowfall" album while baking up scones. I am not that sweet lady anymore!!
Go. Just go. Don't look back. Do not collect $200.00 and stop these crazy visits. You are a troublemaker! You are cold, slippery, messy, and a party pooper. 
I promise if you'll go away now, I'll be happy to see you again next year. Truly I will. And we'll once again rekindle our winter fling-you with your tender flakes and me with my tea. 
Snow, come on, you know it's the right thing to do....oh snow, please.... Just go. 


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