Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Praying in Pink

I am so very tired today, but I have some important tasks to finish. I am writing down prayers I will be saying for my daughters so that I can be consistent in praying in specific areas. I found some printouts online from Proverbs 31 Ministries, and decided to hand write them on pink cards. I will then carry them with me wherever I go and say them quietly and aloud. 
I do pray for my girls each day, but lately I've felt the world tugging at them harder than ever. I feel a loss of control, a sense that what we're trying to teach them as parents is falling on deaf ears. We fear for our girls safety in this world, not just their physical safety, but for the state of their souls. I know I'm not God. I am mom. But oh boy, do the lines get blurred sometimes!! And so I need to commit to praying in those areas I can't control and give God my fears and concerns. 

My girls live in the world, but I don't want them to conform to the world. They are in public school because I believe God wants them to be influential there. They have been for sure. I believe they will go to public colleges and influence there too. They will live in a public neighborhood, work a public job, and relate with people of all types, beliefs, etc... And I think all of that is for their benefit and for those who will come to know them. We're not a mission-minded family in the normal definition of the word. We don't go to other countries or send things to other places. We look to see where we can be of service and help to those right next to us. The Lord brings those people to us and sometimes we find them on our own. Some have sat at the lunch table with Natalie and asked, "what does a Christian do?" And so I need to pray for them. They are the ones on the front lines of the mission field. They risk something every day. I can't say they risk being ridiculed because there are a surprising number of kids at their school involved in their churches. I say surprising because faith is something they all hold pretty close to the vest at school. But it only takes a couple to step out and speak their faith for two or three more to join in. And so I pray. And I'll keep praying till the day I leave this earth. That is my promise. That will be my legacy. 


sirnorm1 said...

1 Thess. 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

Angela said...

You live out being missional where you live as do your girls. It's something we're all called to. I like the practical ways you're praying for your girls. It's an awesome legacy to leave. May God bless you and your family.

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