Wednesday, March 26, 2014


It's 2:36am, and I am trying to stay awake for my ECG tomorrow. Sleep-deprived. They write it on the form as if it is like any other instruction, but this prep is like no other. I was sleep deprived the night before-wonder if that counts? Oh, I wish! I've written cards, made popcorn, baked muffins for the girls, watched hours of tv on DVD classics. I am doing laundry, my nails, anything to keep me awake. Truth is, I could pass out at any second and it would feel amazing! 
Lord give me strength to stay awake for 6 more hours. Give me people to pray for or some bursts of energy. Watching the dog sleep peacefully is not helping! 
Just a few more.... Yawn... A

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

Father, Bless Jami in Jesus name. Amen!

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