Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Cappy

If you are current on your Super Hero knowledge, you will know that the "real name" of Captain America is Steve Rogers. 
That just happens to be my dear hubby's name too, and he is our family's very own super hero. 

Today is his birthday! Serena, my resident baker, and I, whipped up and decorated this Captain America cheesecake "shield". Steve loved it, and even though we haven't been up to going shopping for gifts yet, he enjoyed the gift of just being home with us. Soon we will take a fun trip to Cabela's and let him loose! :) 

He is such a great guy. He has been my best friend for 25 years, and my hubby for 20. We have been through a lot together, and I am so proud to be by his side every day, just doing life together. We laugh a lot and have so much fun and I pray we get a lot more years together. He is as close to a saint as they come in my book. 

Happy birthday, my love! 


Angela said...

Whoops! You must all be having a great laugh at my phone call. Tell Steve I wish him a happy birthday instead. I do hope it was a good day. That cheesecake looks absolutely yummy!

sirnorm1 said...

Happy Birthday Captain:)

Allison S. said...

That looks great!!! Happy Birthday Steve!!!

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