Monday, March 21, 2011

My Complaints

I have no complaints today. None. I have only guilt for the silly complaints I've had recently....ladybugs....dirty carpet....heartburn...cold weather....silly list goes on...

However, some days I have to think further than myself, further than my nose and the problems right in front of it. I have to remember that there are bigger issues out there. Bigger heartbreaks than mine. Bigger tears.

There are lots of big tears around me right now. Around all of us. Lots of illness, lots of desperation. So much hurt and pain and destruction. It's so overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing!!

I've asked God "why???" more than ever lately. I don't expect He'll answer me with a well-stated reason. I'm sure He'll continue to ask me to simply trust Him. And I will continue to praise a God that I don't always understand. It's the part of faith that defines the word itself.

That is SO not easy!! Maybe that will be my one complaint today. That I still don't get it! Will I ever? I don't know...

Be blessed, and may you feel a reason to praise and not complain through it all.

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