I was feeling particularly afflicted one day, so I decided to read the book of Job. For one, I thought it would keep me from being a total crab to everyone, and for another, I needed the lesson!
I have to say of all the books of the Bible I've read, I've never read the entire book of Job. Oh, my goodness, what a whiner he was. Waah , waah, waah. Sure, he had good reason. There he was, minding his own business being "upright and blameless", just taking care of his animals and his family, then KAPOW....the rug gets pulled out from under him. His animals. Gone. His children. Dead. For all you inductive Bible studiers, please forgive this version. My disclaimer is always, if you don't understand me, read it for yourself. Please. I know, I know..kapow is not a Biblical word.
Job begged God to just tell him what he did to deserve all of that mess. God didn't answer him right away, but boy, his friends couldn't wait to tell him their take on it, which was pretty far from God's truth, he would later realize. On and on, he lamented about his situation, all the while being tempted to curse God, even by his wife. Instead, he kept his faith and persevered. He passed the test. I'm really giving you the short, undetailed version because there is a lot to the book. You just have to read it for yourself. Job repented, God forgave, then restored Job and blessed him with more animals and more children than he had before. Those critical friends? Boy, did they get it! God was not happy with their judgments and criticisms at all. They really should have kept their opinions to themselves and just been supportive friends.
Job, like many in the Bible, had to go through all of that affliction and suffering to get to a place of true joy. We don't see joy when we're wondering if we can pay this bill or that bill, the taxes are due, the job is on the line, someone gets sick or needs braces, and we just don't know how it's all going to work out. I don't question God about the normal nuisances in life. Job probably didn't either. It wasn't until the true test of his faith came about, the loss of his livelihood and precious children, that all of these things came to light. God allowed Job's most treasured things in his life to be taken away. Job's question was much like mine would be....why??
Am I ready to react in faith if that was me? Right now I have faith that God will provide for us. He has for years, even before we turned to him! Why would the possible lack of a job be any different? So, maybe we'll lose our dream home and have to trade in some cars for beaters again. So what. Nobody died. Life goes on and maybe it gets even better and we'll be restored. Not overnight, but someday. Blessings follow obedience, right, Barb Geer? I say that to myself nearly every day and often out loud for my family to remember. It really is the truth.
If nothing changes and Steve still has his job, we will still be restored. In the anticipation of this possible job loss, we have gotten back to basics in many ways. It has been hard at times, but what test doesn't come with difficulty? I never was a good test taker. Some things never change. I am not a very flexible person with change at all. I like to be prepared. I like to know what's going to happen, and I don't like surprises. Well, I have some challenges ahead, now don't I? Do I have any control over these things? Nope. Did Job? Nope. That's why he was so frustrated about the whole thing. Until he allowed God to work this out in his favor for his purpose, he didn't see the blessing. Job and I are pretty alike here.
I'm sure I have some crabby days ahead until I really "get" all of this, but I am turning to the Word to let it teach me what I've asked to learn. Like I said, I'm not a good test-taker, but I'm a pretty good study. There are tons of examples of perseverance in the Bible. Tons of afflictions and restorations. Many many stories of poverty and wealth. Those people aren't any different than we are. They just wore funny robes and walked around with dusty feet. Depending on what Big ole Dow says, we just may be doing that ourselves. Either way, God has a plan and will not leave us hanging and miserable. He wants us to be strong, and getting there is never easy. Just remember how hard it is to build muscle in your body. It is never without great effort and pain.
Read the book of Job sometime when you're feeling afflicted. And while you're at it, ask yourself what the solutions are instead of going over and over the problem. You know the problem and can recite it over and over to your friends and family or whoever is patient enough to listen. Now, can you come up with some solutions? It will give you power over your affliction. Combine that with prayer, and you've got yourself a plan to overcome!
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