Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Oreos, Candy, and Me

I'm pretty impressed with my friend Angela. She has a life-altering illness, but manages to keep a positive attitude, and has recently celebrated a 40 pound + weight loss! And I think we're about the same age. Now you know it's you, right Angela? You rock!  
I, on the other hand, left my healthy eating plan in the Oreo dust when I started having issues. Not only did I gain back the weight I had just lost, but I gained a few more! So I started the medication in early April and learned quickly that "loss of appetite" is a side effect. Drug companies, hire me. No joke, I get every side effect you throw at me without even reading the printout. Score? Um, no...
So, loss of appetite usually means an opportunity to lose weight! Unless you're stressed, and then the only food you want is the stuff your mom gave you when you were sick as a kid! Creamy Mac and cheese, fries, donuts, cookies, and my go-to fix-all- candy. Chewy sprees got me through a rough time, man. :) 
I've also hit the bottle pretty hard-the coca-cola variety, that is. Full sugar, full caffeine, brown food color and all. And do I regret this? A resounding NO! 
Survival sometimes requires that you "do what ya gotta do to get through." 
Side effects of a new strong drug usually take about 4 weeks to subside or move in, whichever it wants, I guess. So I figure I have a couple more weeks of double stuff Oreos and candy before my body says, "great ride, but let's move on!" According to google, caffeine may or may not be good for seizures. Clears that right up! Also according to google, I should give up rock and mountain climbing, soccer, scuba diving, and boxing. Probably should google " cage fighting" just to be sure. I pretended to be all upset about not being able to swim underwater anymore....Natalie called me out. We both know all I do is float and sip Shirley temples in the pool. I really did want to either surf, ride a camel or dolphin, and walk the Appalachian trail. I'll ask the doc on Friday about the status of my camel riding license. Can't drive a car... Or a golf cart. So not fair. Maybe a Fred flintstone car? 
See, I have all these important decisions to make. That's why I need chocolate! 
I keep forgetting the point of this post. Oh... It's coming back to me. There is no point. Sometimes you have to take some time, find your humor, tell your serious self to "chillax", or whatever my kids are saying these days. Sometimes you have to remember that life is short, you are human, this too shall pass, and it is what it is....for now. 
God gave me a twisted sense of humor- wicked, my dear hubby tells me. Now is the time to be my most crazy. 
I can always blame it on my brain! 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Jami, just to put it in perspective the first few years of diagnosis I gained weight to because food is my stress relief. Now I have really good dark chocolate that I only want one piece of. Grapes have taken over for grapes and other needs to pick one thing at a time and eat them. So hang in there - there may be a way to do it yet. You never know. Love you.

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