Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just Love II

My uncle's poor condition has put him back in ICU today. They are going to put him on a vent, however, it will not mean that he can't be on the transplant list as we had heard before. If all goes well, he will make the list by this Thursday. He has been taken off the blood thinners so he can be prepared for the surgery.
My parents are in Cleveland with them this weekend and will stay as long as they are needed. My mom has grown so much in her faith through this trial. She prayed with the family over my uncle and has encouraged them to pray with him and together. You go, MOM!! This took a lot of courage for her to do, being her first time really expressing her faith in this way. I am so grateful she is there praying with them, since all of us are here and unable to be with them. She called to ask me if she was doing the right thing, and I reassured her that God will enable her to do all she needs to do! And yes, you're doing the right thing. I told her, "Be a light!"
We are so grateful for all of the prayers our church family and friends have been sending up. We have been continually blessed by the prayers of the church. I don't know how people make it through difficult times without a church family and Christian friends. God bless all of you.

1 comment:

Princess, Daughter of the King said...

Thanks for the update Jami!
Will continue to pray!

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