Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to School!!

Yesterday began yet another academic journey for 3rd grade Serena, and 5th grade Natalie. Fifth grade. How time has played yet another trick on me! We had a pretty good first day. It's always mayhem when we first get there. Tons of cars, kids, parents, and all their brothers and stepmoms, kids trying in vain to sharpen pencils,teachers already going gray...Good thing the PTO carries tommy guns. Okay, enough of the typical silliness. Yeah, right. You know me.

Well, we've been doing this "first day" stuff for awhile now, so there's not much to report. Natalie will be switching between 5 classes now. She was thrilled to learn she would finally get to dissect a frog this year, and loves that she has a whole class devoted to writing and reading. A dream come true for her. Wonder where she gets it? She only had one snag of the day, and I'm sure it's just the first of many. A girl already teased her about her acne. I won't mention her real name, but I told Nat to take the high road with AnnMary, and invite her to church. That'll get her. :)
Serena loves her teacher, of course. Mrs. S is my bud, Patty's mom, so it's in the bag for Serena. We're keeping Mrs. S in apples this year. Serena is looking forward to playing Pig Latin bingo and quiet ball.
Both girls excel at lunch and recess and I am so proud of them. Actually, these are a couple of bright light bulbs, let me tell you! So SO SO much smarter than I was at that age!! I think I spent my elementary days looking out the window and daydreaming about my after school snack. You think I'm kidding?? Serena hates gym class, but I don't know why. She doesn't have to square dance with a smelly boy like I did back then. Let me tell you, it DOES scar you for life. I sometimes call out, hail hail the gang's all here....what the heck do we care...and on and on!! Oh, and you really won't use algebra later in life, but don't tell my kids.
We are looking forward to a fun year and will just pray our way through the unfun part of school. It's not easy to be around kids who don't share your values and aren't as kind as you are. I believe though, that character is built through adversity, so being in school provides that experience they will need in the world. It will not only toughen them up, but it will teach them compassion too. Kind of an interesting and opposing blend, but they need one trait to learn the other. I will leave you with that thought!!



Anonymous said...

I just LOVE reading your blogs! They are hilarious and just down to earth! Thank you!!!

Shoemaker Family said...

Beautiful girls...LOVED having them in CLC Wednesday night.

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