Friday, September 19, 2008

Just Love

I'm not sure how many of you have been aware of my Uncle Larry's condition. (He is my mom's bro. in law) He has been hospitalized at Cleveland Clinic for about a month now, in desperate need of a double lung transplant. This past week he has been in and out of ICU, and his condition, by medical standards, is just not good. His family, of course, is going through such a difficult time, and with him being in Ohio, it has been even more of a challenge.
If this family crosses your mind, please pray for them. Though they don't express their faith the same way we do, they are believers. Prayer has made all the difference for them in this time of crisis. My uncle has maintained a sense of humor and a joy for his family this entire time. The only word he could think of to describe the care my aunt had been giving him is simple-love.
I've been reading Philip Yancey's book, Where is God when It Hurts...and the one thing he says all suffering people need most is LOVE. Not wisdom or knowledge. Just love.


Shoemaker Family said...

Natalie shared in Chapel about Uncle Larry and I've been praying for him and you all since Wednesday.

I'm also interested to hear more about this Yancey book - what's the title? Sounds like I need to read it!

Shoemaker Family said...

Oh shared the title...I just re-read and realized that. I thought you shared a quote...

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