Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Update on the Brace

Lots of you have been asking about Natalie's brace, so here's what's going on....
We will not be able to see the orthotist (guy who fitted the brace) or the surgeon until October 7th. Since there is such a big span of time from now until then, we're waiting to have her wear it about 2 weeks before we have our appointments. The reason for this is because we have encountered some problems with the brace that we were not prepared for. It's not just a "thin type of plastic" that will "fit under her clothes". It is very heavy, bulky, hot, and does not enable her to sit comfortably or use the bathroom without taking it off. Since the brace takes a strong adult to put it on, strap it up properly, and remove it, having her wear it to school is not an option at this point. Our plan is to have her wear it at home, possibly in bed (although I fear she won't get enough good sleep), but not at school.
We are frustrated that we have no guidance with this part of the brace at all. A guy prescribed it, a guy made it, but no one helps you live with it. As parents, we just want to do what's right, and we don't know what that is right now. We're praying our way through.
Thanks to all of you who have been supporting us and Natalie. It has been a great comfort to us!

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