Sunday, September 28, 2008


As you know, my Uncle Larry has been struggling for his life these past few weeks, in need of a lung transplant. I thought you'd want to know how God has been working in this!
They wanted to take him off the vent last Thursday, as he wasn't improving. Well, God had other plans! He began improving later that evening. He continued to stay stable and was placed at the top of the transplant list at Cleveland Clinic. He can receive a lung (or 2) from a 2000 mile radius. We don't know what the future holds for him now, but being on the list gives his family hope.
God has sent wonderful people to care for him, pray for him, and pray for his family. The people at Cleveland Clinic are amazing, thoughtful, and so professional. What they do can only be a gift from God himself!
As far as I'm concerned, he's receiving a miracle every day he is still with us. Thank you all for praying for a family you may never meet. It has meant so much to us!!

1 comment:

Shoemaker Family said...

Praise God!!! WE have been praying exactly for this at CLC!!! I can't wait to share with the kids on Wednesday this miracle!

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