Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weighty Matters II

I'm still working on getting to the heart of the weight issue, and guess what? It's going to take awhile! That's just the way it is with anything that is worth doing. It's never easy, there's never a quick answer, and it usually hurts first!
Knowing that my eating is a spiritual stronghold does not make finding the solution an easier journey. It just makes the journey begin.
I was getting a migraine during service today (not your fault PD), and the first thing I asked Steve to do for me was get me a coke and some salty chips. Hmmmm....the coke is normal....I usually try caffeine to head it off, but the chips were a comfort thing.
I spent 6 hours in bed when I got home, which wasn't pleasant, and it tends to depress me to have to ruin a whole day. So..physical pain leads to emotional pain, leads to eating, then back to emotional pain. WHOA!! Time to break that cycle!
I was diagnosed with migraine, non-variant, vascular headaches, with mild depression, anxiety, tacchycardia, MVP, and something weird with my lung capacity. I am generally healthy, but chemically, there's stuff going on all the time! The MVP (mitral valve prolapse) causes the oxygen issue, which causes the anxiety. The fatigue from having my heart racing a lot makes me feel like an old woman at times. I don't like to take medicine if I don't have to. I guess I've been using food to comfort me, and I hadn't put that all together like that before. I think not feeling well for the past several years of my life has made me a bit resentful. I have missed out on a lot.
Confessing that, and making that connection with weight is a first for me. I guess I haven't fully given that over to God, and that is now my direction.
Stay tuned as I make more revelations. God is peeling back some layers on me, and I don't know what will come out next!!
God Bless!

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