Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Comment Away!

To those of you who have been unable to comment, I have changed the settings so you should be able to comment now, if you choose!

Thanks for reading! Your reading helps keep me writing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks for opportunity to comment!
Love your blog, many thoughtful and insightful truths.
You started a "Blessing List"...
One additional blessing (I think it might be Blessing #2a,3a,4a,etc, all wrapped in one) Do you realize that with your recurring migraines, your loved ones have an ongoing opportunity to learn how to love for the benefit of another? This is not always easily learned. Not always the "fun" part of love. But they witness it in each other, practice til it is made perfect, spur one another on to good deeds...ahh, you are right, many blessings.
And a blessing that you can see it as such.
Keep on writing...

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