Sunday, May 31, 2009

Answered Prayers

Prayer requests are pretty common, our own, and those of the others around us. I think that is such a comfort to have friends, family, and church family that pray for us, and to have that direct line with God ourselves is amazing.

Answered prayers are probably just as prolific as requested ones, and yet sometimes we get so caught up in the requests, we forget the praises!

Here is my most recent praise!

My dad received some disturbing news about the left side of his heart weeks ago. He went for further testing and we waited and waited to get the results. I began praying for those tests to reveal no problems at all, and for his heart to be completely healed. I asked the church to pray, although I didn't give any details. Dad received news yesterday that his most recent test revealed no problems. The doc said, "whatever you're doing, keep doing it!" I know he meant dad being diligent with his heart health, but in my mind, I was hearing, "keep praying!" And that, I will do.

Of course, none of us on earth who were praying can take any of the "credit" for that wonderful result! God is our healer and our protector! We simply bring our requests to him and trust His will. Faith is all we need. HE will do the rest. Regardless of the outcome, whether good or bad, our only hope is to continue to trust in Him for all we need and know that His answer is always the best one. (whether we agree or not)

Keep praying and keep praising, remembering all God is doing in your life and in the lives around you. He is amazing!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Calling Like No Other

Just when I think I can't take it anymore and I start thinking about getting a job outside the home, something happens. The girls may say something to me or I'll hear something on the radio, tv, or from a friend. They unknowingly give me my answer. First of all, we should never make decisions when we're frustrated! If I did that, there's no telling what I'd do!

The fact is, God wants me here. I just wish he'd send me an assistant! This parenting thing takes every ounce of me nearly every day. It's not just the laundry (and there is a ton with 2 girls who change clothes all the time), the cleaning, and the meals. It is the emotional raising of children. Learning to keep our own reactions in check when dealing with theirs. If you think having a preschooler is tough (and it is!), just wait. It may get easier some ways, but it will get more challenging in other areas as they mature. The key is to be ready for anything!

So, for the SECOND time this week (yes, I just "yelled" that) I will be driving nearly 8 miles into town to drop off Natalie's forgotten lunch. (angry sigh) Oh, that girl and her forgetfulness. Times like these make me have to work at remembering her positives! I don't want to be frustrated with her and critical of her forgetfulness and her weird reactions. (I'm guessing it's a hormone thing, who knows) I am her mom! I am supposed to be helping her, encouraging her, guiding her, and being patient! She is so smart and loving, wicked funny, creative, and an instant friend to anyone she comes into contact with. Her shyness drives me crazy only because I went through it as a child. Well, I have to remember, "she" is not "me" and her outcome will be much better than mine for sure. Especially if I keep my trap shut about it! I love that she is not mouthy and disrespectful, of course, only to her sister, which gets her in trouble. But overall, she is a good kid and I am super proud of the girl she is and will be. She's not perfect, and no child is, but I am pretty fortunate that the issues I have with her are so very minor.

Remembering the positives in our kids is like finding the positives in a negative day. It works the same. It softens our attitude toward them, and makes for a whole lot better outcome. I could easily blast her for causing me to come into town yet again today, but I will show her mercy today. God shows mercy to me every time I make a stupid mistake, so why not do it for my own kids? Don't think I'm super mom for doing this. I threw the fit first. :) Now I'm over it, and I will do the right thing.

I still say that being a mom is a calling, not a job, and there is nothing more important on this earth than what I'm doing already. I depend on God, make that minute by minute, and second by second, to help me raise these girls. I am thankful that Steve is the kind of dad who is "hands on", and listens to my daily reports so he knows what to expect from them. Being a united (I almost typed "untied" HA HA) front is so important to kids and to a healthy marriage! !

Will we make mistakes? Sadly, yes. Every good plan has a few glitches in it. We're not perfect parents and the sooner our kids understand that, the better!

Be blessed, and hug and kiss your little (and big) stinkers today. Tell them you love them no matter how many times they forget something or spill diet pepsi all over the floor before school...... Give them mercy if it's possible and give yourself a break now and then!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Every Day is a Chance to Start Over

So yesterday was yesterday. Enough said. Today is a new day! I had a great time with my friend, Sara this morning. We never run out of things to talk about. We can discuss our issues without it becoming a pity party or a gripe session. One thing I love about our friendship is that we spur each other on to find solutions or a new way of looking at something. It is easy to gripe when you're in the company of one who gripes, but it gets you nowhere! If you find this is descriptive of you and the company you keep, maybe it's time to find a new friend!

If you griped yesterday, try not to do it today. Each day is a chance to do better what you missed the day before!

Be blessed, and watch the company you keep!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Walking Gives You Blisters

Today I posted about staying positive. In fact, I read a section in my book about staying calm when you really want to blow a fuse. Just read it today, and yet when things started unraveling for me today, I did not stay calm! It just seemed like it was one thing after another, testing my patience at every turn. It's not that these things were horrible things, but just annoying things that get under your skin. You've been there. You're already having a bad day, and someone chooses to pick on you. This didn't happen to me, but it's the same feeling.

After my outburst (done alone), my prayer went something like this: God, I've had it! I am sooo mad! I can't believe this! You're gonna have to get me through this. I'm just feeling like such a brat! I am feeling dangerous and you have to fix me! I can't stop it. You have to step in and make me better! Oooh, I am just so mad!

Feeling "dangerous"? What was I thinking? I laugh about that now. I'm such a writer!

Now, if I told you what I was mad about, you would think I was ridiculous! Let's just say I need a little break from my kids. Let's just say by the fourth trip into school today, I had nearly lost my mind. Let's just imagine I had no gas in my van and a million things to do at home. It was one of those days! And yet, I knew to pray even though I was throwing a hissy fit! When I finally calmed down, I apologized to God for my outburst and my lack of self-control. It didn't affect anyone else directly, but had I carried that attitude around, someone would surely have been on the wrong end of it, and I would be sick about it, probably for days! Not a good use of anyone's time, in my opinion.

Ironically, I had just finished reading about how at some point in her career,Joyce had a 4 day hissy fit, in which everyone was driving her nuts and nothing was going right. Something went through me when I read it. I thought to myself, "this is something I deal with too." Little did I know, I'd get my first test today.

Walking with the Lord is not easy. Whenever you want to do things a certain way, there will be something that comes along to trip you up. It could be a test, it could be an attack, it could be something we're not doing right in ourselves. Regardless, when you start walking your faith, expect blisters. It's a long walk, a tough walk, and sometimes doing the right thing is painful. I look at it this way, I've never gotten blisters for no good reason. It's always been the result of hard work or perseverance!

I know I will get irritated again. Probably in the next 10 minutes, as that is just how life is. My intention is to remain calm and trust God to help me deal with those annoyances. I will post more about that chapter tomorrow, as I will certainly be re-reading it! I am already planning on reading the book from start to finish all over again. I need all the help I can get!

The Whole World Stinks

Don't be alarmed, that is simply just a title of a section in I DARE YOU, by Joyce Meyer. She's talking about our minds in Chapter 12, which I am reading with my "reading group" this week. Here's a "taste" of that chapter......

Wise men and philosphers throughout the ages have disagreed on many things, but many are in unanimous agreement on one point: we become what we think about. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A man is what he thinks about all day long." The Roman emporer Marcus Aurelius put it this way: " A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." In the Bible we find: "As a man thinks in his mind, so is he."

One Sunday afternoon a cranky grandfather was visiting his family. As he lay down to take a nap, his grandson decided to have a little fun by putting Limburger cheese (very stinky) on his grandfather's mustache. Soon, Grandpa awoke with a snort and charged out of the bedroom saying, "This room stinks." Through the house he went, finding every room smelling the same. Desperately he made his way outside only to find that "the whole world stinks!"

So it is when we fill our minds with negativism. Everything we experience and everybody we encounter will carry the scent we hold in our minds.

When we are intentionally thinking and living in a positive manner, our lives can change for the better. Our physical energy increases and our overall attitude remains more positive.

I have found this to be true (my words now) that if I approach a situation with a positive attitude, the outcome of the situation may not change, but my feelings will. I will be better able to handle strife and annoyances if I can just get past my emotional response. This is an area I know is an invitation for the enemy if I'm not careful.

By the way, I have an interested party in discussing this book with me, and I'm very excited! Sure, I can study alone, and I often do, but it's nice to have some feedback from someone too. Now I will have to share the muffins, won't I? If you've been reading prior posts about my "study partner", you'd get that joke.

Is your glass "half empty" or is your glass "half full and ready to be completely filled"? It really is our decision, isn't it?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm Still Counting

I hope you're not growing tired of my blessings posts. It's just that now more than ever, I feel the pull to stay focused on them. I'm feeling a bit like I did after 9/11....things feel shaky in the world, and it can be unnerving if you dwell on it. That's why it's important to find those positive things in the world and in your life and be thankful that they are there. We can all find so many things that bother us...that's pretty easy for some of us. But to find the blessings is the true survivor. I hope you'll be a "survivor" with me!

1. First and foremost, I am thankful for God. I thank him daily for his influence in my life. For always being there for me, and for pointing me in the direction he wants me to go. His love is all I need. Everything else is icing!

2. My family. Finding Steve was like finding a diamond in a haystack. Unexpected, rare, and a wonderful surprise. From that love came our girls, who have filled my life with love, joy, and purpose. (and lots of messes too :) )

3. My parents and family. It doesn't matter what I do, what I say, what mistakes I make, how grumpy I am, they never stop supporting and loving me. Who needs more than that? I don't.

4. Steve's job is still secure, and I can't be more thankful for that. I know we'd be okay otherwise, but I'm glad the worry is diminished at this point. We just take one day at a time, remembering not to complain about a bad day. I'd rather have a bad day employed than a good day not.

5. Being able to live in the woods has refreshed my soul. I can look out at any time and watch rabbits playing tag with chipmunks (yes, they do that), several varieties of birds, turkeys, deer, annoying, but playful squirrels, and fresh country air. I don't have all my projects done and we are far from being able to stop working on the house and yard, but I'm thankful for how far we've come and I'm thankful that our bodies still allow us to work!

6. Wonderful friends who care for me, even though I am somewhat hard to get close to. I don't know why. I sure wish I wasn't that way at all. Despite that, they love me anyway, and let me be who I am without judging that! True friends just let you be yourself. I have several of those!

7. Former pastors and influences in my spiritual life. Our first pastor, Pastor Steve Shangraw led us to the life we would one day embrace. He is now being led to a ministry in California and we may never see him again. His leaving has reminded me (and Steve) to appreciate people while they are still around. There are more people who have influenced me. Maybe for another post I will touch on that.

8. My church family. There are so many who won't let you walk by without a hug, a pat, a hello, or a wave. It's nice to be able to rely on those relationships. You may not get close to each and every one, but if you have a need, they will be there. It's just understood. I am thankful for all of those who also pour into my daughter's lives there as well. It's a feeling of unity that is not found anywhere else.

9. Now for the fun ones....I am thankful for music, which is a huge motivator for me. It helps me get through good days and rough days. I love having books to read, and this computer to help me write and to get emails!! I love snail mail, which my dear friend Patty still sends me. I love her homemade cards and pictures of the kids. There is nothing like getting a card or letter in the mail. I love campfires, long drives, walks in the woods, vanilla soft serve, hanging clothes on the line, flowers on my windowsill, candy, Dow Gardens, waterfalls, tennis, and so many other things. Maybe that will be a future post too, since I have been keeping a list of "Happy Things" since I was 15!!

God gives us the mainstays in our lives- our relationship with Him, our families, our basic needs, and then we have our pick of the rest. If we choose good and positive things, we will have a good and positive result. Choose to seek your blessings and be blessed by the ones you find!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter Ten: Don't Look Behind You

"We" are still reading Joyce's book, "I Dare You", and "we" are finding some interesting little tidbits. This chapter is so important to anyone who needs to be "stirred up" again! I have found some very useful information not only for me, but I am tucking it away to hopefully help someone else, if the opportunity knocks. (and I know it will)

Here's what Joyce has to say.....
Don't Look Behind You

When you're passionate and stirred up about life, you don't have time to look backward. Maybe you've experienced hurts and disappointments or you've done things you wish you could do over. We all have those buried regrets, but those are finished and over with. Those things are dead, but you are alive and it's time to look ahead and focus on living.
The answer to our problems is not always a deep, hidden thing that takes months of counseling to reveal. Sometimes it is very simple and a minor adjustment can bring tremendous change. It could be as simple as making a decision to let go of the past, or getting more balance in life, laughing more, doing more for others, or choosing some more positive and uplifting friends. One thing is for sure: Nothing ever changes unless we make a decision and take some action. So I encourage you to get moving!
Stop looking behind you and start looking in front of you! And don't ever say, "I don't have anything to look forward to." You have the rest of your life, and if you expect God to do something wonderful, He will. He wants you to live expecting something good to happen to you every day of your life. Pray for good news because the Bible says it nourishes the bones. (See Proverbs 15:30)

End of Joyce's words...

(me speaking) What do you think of that?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Life is a Balancing Act

I've put many new changes into effect in my life these past couple of months! Since reading "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer, I've found that you can't change your life by doing the same things the same way all the time. In fact, that's the definition of "insanity"! Life can sure feel that way, but it's only because we're not prioritizing properly sometimes. Other times, life throws curveballs and surprises and we're juggling for a short time then it's over. That, my friends, takes some stamina!! It all takes a little thing called b-a-l-a-n-c-e!

One of my decisions was to be smarter with money. I have cut out "useless spending", which is anything I don't really want or need. We have cut down on eating out, and have changed some of our lifestyle habits to help save us money. Being disciplined about money is crucial to having an effective walk with Christ. We have to learn how to respect what we're given, and we have to make sure we have it to give away. Some of the things I've had to cut were difficult, because I have found that spending money and socializing go hand in with friends, direct sales parties, yard sales, shopping, movies/dinner, etc... Some friends understand your need to cut down, and some encourage you to spend money you don't have. The key is to remain true to yourself and your household and not feel guilted or obligated into spending money you shouldn't spend. I have only to look on either side of me to know that college is going to be expensive! There are big things in our future, however, I am still spending money on my hair color product. I have my dignity after all.

Another change I made was to be more diligent about my housekeeping, wife, and mom duties. Making sure the house is fairly organized, keeping the laundry up, and making sure dinner is healthy and ready on time. Dishes get done right after, and clothes don't sit in piles. Being more deliberate about my position in this household is something that gives me more of a sense of purpose. I am here to do all of that, after all. Sometimes I feel I am working 2 jobs. I think I have to be careful not to become a slave to my chores. It would sure be easy to do. Today I impulsively yelled out the window, "I need a break! Do you hear me!!!" I scared off a rotten squirrel who was hanging in my bird feeder, so I yelled at him too. "You better run! You're next!!" Thank Goodness no one can hear me. Neighbor Bill would pretend he didn't hear anyway.

Okay, so does doing everything "right" and "proper" equal peace and tranquility? Not exactly. Like I said, I could easily become a slave to my house, my garden, and my family. Everything would be done just like I want it to be, but I would be a wreck. For one thing, I run out of energy quickly. I am glad to blame it on my little heart valve thing I have, instead of on laziness. I also find that the harder I work, the harder I am on everyone around me! Pick that up! Put that away! I am not your slave! And that's just what I say to the dog! :) I become disappointed by everyone else's lack of commitment to "my purpose"!! Kind of backwards, but I think most moms and wives have felt that way before, if not today! again, b-a-l-a-n-c-e!

Having balance in my life is still a daily struggle. I have found that I can be extreme in making changes. It's either all or nothing, and not a lot in between. I have to work at being flexible and patient. I have to be deliberate about taking breaks, not feeling guilty for taking a break, and watching that I don't become selfish in my quest to improve my spending. It takes prioritizing and some common sense to really put a new change into balance. I have learned by trying to lose my weight (a-gain!) that I am tempted to be all or nothing about that too.

One thing I ask for every day is for what I do to glorify God in some way. Whether it's making our bathroom look like a hotel ( I even folded the toilet paper into a point--so silly!), or by praying while I wash the dishes. It's keeping my temple and this home God provided in the shape he gave it to me in! It's making sure I am kind to the telemarketers when I'm tempted to mess with them a little! It's also trying to keep my life in balance so that I am receptive to God's leading, because that is truly why I am here.

Life is a balancing act, and it does feel as though we're on an endless tightrope with a long way down sometimes. But, every day is a choice to do better than the day before, and that's always on my list of things to do.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blessings:Spiritual Adrenaline

I want you to know that although I have a positive attitude most of the time, I often don't "feel" very positive at all. See, feeling something and having an attitude about it are 2 different things. I know having a good attitude is crucial to getting through anything. Having good "feelings" about something is not always dependable, of course, neither are not so good feelings.

I can tell you all about my blessings and how much I appreciate them, and sometimes it will spark the attitude shift that I need, but some days it just doesn't! Or, it does, but quickly takes a downturn. This is where the feelings start to wreck everything. This is why they are not dependable in making decisions at all! This is exactly why the joy of the Lord is our strength, not our feelings of happiness or satisfaction. This is all the more reason why we have to be diligent and watchful of things that can come in and try to steal our joy. The enemy uses things we'd never think of in order to turn our attention away from God. I don't know about you, but I don't appreciate being manipulated! I'm too stubborn for that! I love God too much for that too.

Emotions are wonderful when they're positive, but what if they're not? Relying on my emotions would only put me on a never ending roller coaster, and roller coasters make me sick. The highs are great, the lows are rotten, it becomes too predictable! We can't be slaves to feelings or we'll literally never be free. I have to take time out daily to get myself in balance and rely on God. This is the only way I can give up trying to control it all myself. It's a daily choice to count blessings, and it's also a daily choice to let God work in me. No matter how I feel that day. This is tough, my friends, and it takes practice sometimes. This seems to be a struggle many of us have in common, which is why I talk so much about blessings. We DO need to be mindful of what we're letting take precedence in our lives. Illness, sadness, dissatisfaction, lack of motivation, jealousy, money, envy, pride, etc...there are many many more!! And wouldn't the enemy love it if we gave in every day? That is not an option if you want to be victorious over anything.

Some of us have to work harder at keeping our emotions in check. Chemically, we're made up of a lot of different little connections firing all the time. So, we have our spiritual health, our physical health, and some emotional health in there too. It can feel like a battle is waging inside of us, and frankly, sometimes it is a struggle to maintain it all. Sometimes our bodies feel worn out, and it can lead to feeling spiritually sick too. I am the last one to "blame" anyone for their own sickness. Seriously, I have had my share of medical problems, and I don't appreciate hearing how it's my lack of spirituality. Tell that to the millions of innocent, sick kids who die every day of diseases. Disease is here because of the enemy. Here's the twist, at least for me. I cannot believe how many people I have been able to encourage and lead because of my debilitating headaches!! See, God can use my illness, although he didn't give it to me. It was my trial, the one I was told I'd go through. There are a lot of healed people, both Christian and non-Christians. It's an interesting topic for sure. The odd thing is, I feel closest to God when I'm sick. It's all about your attitude, not whether you claim your illness or not. How you perceive your situation can have everything to do with how you approach it. Approach it with a thankful, humble heart, and watch it turn around. Approach it with angst, frustration, and selfishness, and you'll be waiting a long time for victory. How do I know? I've done both and probably will again at some point!

But, that's where the blessings come in again. Like a balm to a wound or a breeze on an unbelievably hot day, they will calm the storm, get you back in the right direction, and keep your attitude facing up where it belongs.

I may be encouraging you, as some of you have told me, but let me tell you, I need encouragement daily, maybe more than you even know. Those blessings are my saving grace!! I am far from perfect, miles from "Miss Suzy Christian Sunshine", but WHO I know is far more than WHAT I know, and THAT is the ultimate BLESSING!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Count It All Joy

I'm taking a break between chores to remember my blessings today. I just got off the phone with my dad, so that will be my number one blessing today! Here we go...

1. My dad is still cancer-free, as of his testing today!! Thank you, God. Again!!

2. My parents got Steve and I the wonderful gift of dirt, and we spent the weekend improving our yard. Natalie drove the tractor and Serena rode in the trailer. They shoveled the dirt and brought it to dad, who scooped it into my flowerbed. Happy Mother's Day to me again. (I asked for dirt and a work day, just like my mom used to love)

3. Mom and Dad stopped over yesterday to check out the treehouse and to bring some "treehouse warming" gifts for the girls. We searched for mushrooms around the property, took a nice walk, and no, I'm not telling you if we found mushrooms or not. The treehouse is every kid's dream and mine too!

4. We were sore and tired, but happy last night. We may be out of shape, but our bodies still allow us to do the work we need to do! (but not without consequence!) Thank God for medicine.

5. Serena helped me clean up after dinner last night without being asked. She also remembered to hang up her towel and bring down her clothes after her shower. She was a little put out that I forgot to ask her if she did all those things! She told me "I just want to do the right things". :)Big mommy smile!

6. My dearest friend, Patty. We laughed until our sides hurt this morning. Her oldest is graduating from high school this Thursday evening from Washington West High School in Missouri. He's a tennis champ, chess champ, all A student, volunteers helping children learn to play tennis (including autistic kids), and is just a great all around kid! I am proud of him, but also of Patty, who instilled in him such great values! She's a great mom and my mom mentor! Congratulations Taylor, and Patty and Steve for raising him so well. I enjoy bragging about her kids because she never does it. I am so thankful for our friendship!

7. Natalie told me she never wants to grow up. I can hold on to that just for today, can't I?

Be blessed, my friends, and remember not to let anything drag you down. Not illness, not unfairness, not rudeness, rejection, jealousy, lack of money, lack of whatever....don't let "things" get in the way of your joy!! My joy comes from the Lord, and no one can take that away!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Bright Side

My youngest daughter has still been dealing with some "stuff" at school with her former best friend, and it has been a learning experience for both of us. I am so glad that I didn't go through that stuff in school. I had enough going on at home to keep me busy at that age! Anyway, her negativity about it has forced me to find the positives in her situation. I can certainly understand why she's feeling negative. She's 9, she's hurt, and she's angry! However, I keep reminding her that it is more important to see the good in every person and in every situation. She said to me one night, "I've already forgiven her, so why am I still upset?" Oh, such a good question, and one I've asked myself a million times in the past. Well, it started a discussion about forgiveness, and of course, we thankfully have the Bible to help really press the point!
To forgive someone really is simply to let go of the offense and to stop being angry with them. It could take a day, a week, a month, a year, or several years. God will help us to forgive someone because he tells us in His Word that we are to forgive others. Oh, what a comfort it is to know that we don't have to do this difficult thing on our own. We don't have to feel guilty about it either. We'll forgive with God's help in whatever amount of time it takes.

It may seem that I am making a big deal out of her friendship thing, but remember, to her it IS a big deal. I know it will blow over, I know she has other friends, I know why it's all happening! But, SHE doesn't know that yet. That's why we talk about it. A LOT! It is so hard, because I don't want her to dwell on it, yet I don't want to ignore it. Such a touchy balance to try to manage sometimes.

Her CLC teacher, Kim, told me that Serena has a wiseness about her that is unlike the other kids. She has a deep compassion that shows in her concern for others. Some of her reactions aren't "kidlike" at all. I know this, and that's why it's hard to parent her sometimes. I wish I could just press a button and make her little again, and naive to things that she shouldn't even be worrying about yet. That girl was born aware. She has been this way since I can remember. I surely have to stay one step ahead of her or we're both in trouble!

So, each day she hops in the van, I tell her she is allowed to vent, but only after I hear about the positive things in her day and what she learned. On Friday, she told me a boy "asked her out" to a scary movie. She replied, "Well, that would be a no on both things. First, my parents don't allow me to watch anything scary, and two, I'm never allowed to date." Good girl! I asked her, "was that a bad thing or a good thing about your day?" She said it was bad because she doesn't like the boy, but good because she's taller and didn't think short boys would ever ask her out! I really had to chuckle at that! Where would they "go" anyway, I wonder?

One of my long term goals is to write a book, and sometimes I wonder if this is the subject I'm meant to write about. My girls. Growing Up. My own growing pains. I will one day be thanking Serena for giving me so much to write about!

Be blessed, and remember to keep it on the bright side!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Too Blessed To Be Stressed

Here they are, count 'em 5 blessings (and I do have more!) of today....hope you'll join me in counting all the good things in your life!

1. In a few hours, I will have 15 yards of dirt dumped in my front yard. I am so excited I can't even begin to tell you. I will be so filthy and so happy this weekend!!

2. Serena and I had a little mother daughter talk at A & W yesterday, in which we came up with some ways to be a better friend and to stop letting people "drive our bus". :)

3. Natalie is honkin' away on her sax, and that girl is a natural music lover. When she's not singing, she's playing piano, listening to her i-pod or jammin' on the rock band set. I am so blessed to have a fellow music lover in my midst!!

4. Steve and I have so much fun together just doing nothing. He loves my crazy dancing, made up song lyrics, and my impersonations. No one else really gets that about me!

5. My parents are tuned in, constant supporters, who encourage us daily. Their food blows us away, and they are wonderful grandparents!

6. See, I told you I can't stick to just 5. I have some great friends!! They know who they are because I tell them I appreciate them as much as possible.

God is good! Although it may seem like everything is going wrong, just wait 5 minutes, or shall I say, "wait 5 blessings" and it will change! Yesterday I was dealt some irksome things, but I kept my eyes on the big picture and what God is trying to teach me. I spent no time at all bemoaning those things, and I could really tell by the end of the day that I made the right choice in doing that. Choose peace whenever you can and the result will be just that--Peace!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Keep Yourself Stirred Up!

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
Every now and then when it rains, we go out and unplug the ditch tubes so the water will flow again. While Steve was in Philly a couple weeks ago, we had quite a huge pond forming in the backyard. I was tempted a couple of times to go out there and run through it, but I thought better of it and baked cookies instead. That "pond" stayed there for a couple days before I decided I'd better take care of it so Steve wouldn't have to when he got home.
I hiked out there wearing my big ole country girl outfit, giant coat, giant boots, and a giant rake. that's just gross, wet leaves and slime, not to mention mud! That's Serena's territory, not mine! So, I stirred up the water a little to see where the problem was, and it started bubbling and gurgling like a pot of boiling water. That sound just made the whole job even more disgusting if you ask me. I have a wild imagination, and I was thinking septic tank the whole time. Do you know that wet burned sticks look just like snakes? Well, they do. Trust me. I learn so much from these adventures of mine. Do you also know that if you scream in the country and no one is there to hear you, that no one will hear you? That is such a good thing. I know, you just had to read that twice, didn't you?
Anyway, I got to thinking of what would have happened had I not stirred the water. It would have just sat there getting stinky and stagnant, breeding skeeters by the millions. Which would later use me as a buffet. What happens with stagnant water? Surely nothing good. A stinking breeding ground of waste that no one wants to be around.
What happens when people become stagnant? Trouble, boredom, sin, temptation, idleness, critical, annoyed, joyless, etc... Not someone you want to become or anyone you want to spend time with.
Keep yourself "stirred up". Get God's Word working in you and through you and stay productive and fruitful. Don't fester on a problem or feel you can't get out of the mud. I like to use Psalm 51:10 as a quick prayer when it seems I am losing ground or feeling stagnant. Getting a daily renewal from God will surely keep us on the right track and out of the ditch!!
Be blessed today!

The Blessings Are Back!

We all define challenge differently, and no matter the degree, if it's a challenge to you, it's a challenge! It doesn't matter how worse off someone else is, it's still difficult. The difference is still being able to see the blessings instead of focusing on the challenge. It's that time again where I need to go through my blessings! I don't have any major life challenges going on right now, but you don't need to be in a crisis to count your blessings. I think some people assume that just because you're focusing on your blessings, you must be going through a rough patch. That's a little backwards to me. Maybe if the blessings were the first thing on the list, the challenge just might shrink back in fear.

SO, here are some, and expect them to be a smidge sarcastic, as some days you have to dig deeper than others!

1. It rained heavily and my house did not float away
2. The wind was fierce, but I did not lose power
3. The Tigers lost ridiculously last night, but I was sleeping while it happened
4. I did not want to get up this morning, but at least I was alive to do so
5. My oldest is slower than molasses in January, but she is alive and well to teach me patience
6. I have everything I need and it doesn't bother me much to not have what I want. I would like some chocolate today, though. (we don't have any) but, I live near a store!
7. My dog has been relieving herself on my carpet, which makes me insane, but she's been alive for 13 years and I love her. plug your nose when you come over...ugh.
8. Danny was voted off American Idol, so I will have free time next week while I am NOT watching the finale. Most likely, my kindred spirit Patty will be calling me about that soon!
9. My husband really IS my best friend
10. My dad made me pie yesterday and it was fabulous
11. That mexican vanilla from Tom has made all the difference in my baking
12. It is a beautiful day and nature surrounds me all the time
13. I love the people in my life, and the ones who don't love me yet still have a chance.

That's it for today...I'll probably get out of this funk any second now. Hey, we all have our days. Let's just not turn them into weeks!

Be blessed today and every day, no matter what is going will surely pass.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Goodbye Red-Face, Hello Funny

As a kid, I was easily embarrassed. I was overly self-conscious, which was probably the main cause of the whole problem to begin with. As I grew up, I began to overcome it, and became more sensitive to others' plights of embarrassment. I noticed I became sort of a warrior about it, determined to help others mask their whoops while smiling. I will wear toilet paper on my shoe just for you, you can count on that! :)

We were at a wedding of one of my dad's cousins about 16 years ago or so, and I was meeting a lot of people I was related to, which is not one of my favorite things anyway. I had finally escaped to my seat when dad dragged yet another cousin over to meet me. He was several years older, dark-skinned (where did he get that?), and friendly. However, as he reached across the table to shake my hand, he tipped over his drink and his face went red. Without missing a beat, I tipped my drink over on purpose and said, "It's so nice to meet you too. I think we just started a tradition." He laughed, as did everyone else who saw me do such a gauche thing at someone's wedding! I've warned you about my impulsiveness before. That's just ONE example!

While it's not funny when people fall, but if they can laugh about it, so should we. It really breaks the tension. I have embarrassed myself so many times by calling someone by the wrong name, or thinking they were someone else (darn lighting!), or...well, we just won't go there. I get a lot of weird looks when someone accidentally calls me "Janie" or "Jeannie" or whatever, and I respond by calling them "George" or "Bob" just for fun. It leaves them wondering, "who made the mistake? Her or me?"

Have a little fun with your slip-ups. Make the most of your embarrassing moments. It may be the only attention you get in this life! Keep it light and make it is short!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Book Study: I Dare Me

The book study continues, and boy, has it been fun....and enlightening!

Me, Myself, and I have enjoyed reading "I Dare You", by Joyce Meyer. Many "light bulb" moments for sure. We're on Chapter 8, titled "Dream Big Dreams". I don't know about you, but I have big dreams, and until now, it has scared me silly. Silly enough to shrink back in doubt of myself. See why this book matters so much to me? I need to be "dared"!

After all, there is the risk of fear, rejection, and the dreaded "what ifs" that can drive you to quit. Well, my friends, no more of that! One thing "we" have discovered is that if we make purpose our journey, then passion needs to be the fuel! That doesn't mean the usual "emotional intensity" you usually relate to passion. Passion isn't really a feeling at all. It is direction, and a courageous attitude. It is doing something wholeheartedly, as Jesus did for his Father. He showed concern for the poor, compassion for the weak, and for those who were treated unfairly. He didn't need to stand up and shout and make a big fuss. He served passionately and with purpose. Remember, our purpose and God's purpose for us may be two entirely different things.
That is why knowing our true motivations for why we do what we do is so very important, don't you agree?

"A.W. Tozer said people crucified with Christ have three distinct marks: They are facing only one direction, they can never turn back, and they no longer have plans of their own." (chapter 1 quote) I repeat, NO plans of our own. Okay, I'm listening!

God's purpose for you may be entirely different than your idea. Really! Joyce made a great point in her book... "The world is filled with people who think they know what you should be doing with your life. But the bottom line is it is your life, and when you stand before God, he will not ask anyone else about your life but you."

Well, the "girls" and I will continue our study and keep you updated as to how we're doing. It has been a time "we" look forward, muffins, scriptures being found, and truths being revealed. I'm quite sure I will know me better after this. I'm even more sure that "we" will get to know God even better after this!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Never Give Up

It may look like any other apple blossom starting to unfold....
It may look dead, hollow, and useless, ready to fall...

It may be barely hanging on, being supported by a lowly olive bush, yet life goes on, even in death.
No matter what the circumstances, or how things appear, no matter if the fruit grows or not, the tree will remain strong, serving its purpose. It won't matter how many people gave up on it, or how many storms batter it. It won't care that another tree's apples are finer. It has a will to carry on and be exactly as it was designed to be. Its trunk will be a home to small animals, its branches a meal for a deer, while shade for another. Its will is the strongest part of the trunk.
Sometimes that is enough.
2Corinthians 12:10
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties, For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom: Blossomed

I became a mom on the day I found out I was expecting my first baby. I was already 8 weeks along before I found out. See, we had been trying to start a family for a very long time, and had decided to let our dreams go for awhile. I didn't even notice the changes I was going through. I was in a state of denial and defeat. Imagine the joy I felt when I realized why chicken nuggets were grossing me out all of the sudden!
We had already decided that if God didn't intend for us to be parents, I would do one of two a cool jeep or get braces. The braces were cheaper! So, silly me, I had several teeth removed (while unknowingly pregnant) and went for the metal. Boy, was I a sight to see. Pregnant with braces on my teeth. I remember thinking God had a great sense of humor, and remembered to thank him daily for the desire of my heart, growing inside me.
I won't go through the whole story, as birth stories can be pretty descriptive! What I will tell you is the transformation I went through, from "me" to "mommy". Suddenly, all I cared about was keeping her safe. I wanted to do everything right. I wanted to eat well, drive slow, and stay home. I didn't want to let her down in any way, I didn't want anyone else to either. She was my cub, and I was the mother bear, claws ready for any who threatened my cub. I had big plans for the mother I would be. I certainly wasn't going to be one of "those" moms....well, until you actually have children, you cannot understand moms very well at all. It's just the way it is. I certainly was one of "those" moms after all! Not perfect, not "with it", and certainly not mother of the year. But, I did my best by her, and I learned on her, my first. I guess she forgave me for all the mistakes because she still likes me. I still have much to learn, that's for sure.
I am definitely not the girl I was before I had my girls. You can't become a mom and not be changed. Your heart, your mind, your soul, your goals, your desires, your plans. All of it changes when you suddenly become responsible for someone who calls you "mom". You may continue to be the same person, job-wise, hobby-wise, friend-wise, and spouse-wise, but something in you clicks. The mom light comes on, and you will never be the same again. It is a precious gift to be the mother of my girls. It is a tremendous responsibility to do this parenting thing well. It is a daily challenge and a daily reward. It is a bunch of tears wrapped up in laughter. It is worries and fears mixed with contentment and peace. It is holding on tight while letting go. It is allowing them to fly while still wanting them safely in the nest. It is wanting something for you, but wanting more for them. It is staying home when you want to go, and sick children on your only day off. It is selfless love, and it is a gift. Precious and to be savored. An honor.
I don't want to rush my mom career. I want every day to be focused on love, no matter what kind of day we have. I don't want to miss a thing. I may have a lot of jobs in my life, but this one will be the one I will never forget, regret, or dread. I may not have a bunch to show for the choice to stay home and raise them, but I know that watching them grow up will be my reward. I have spoken to other seasoned moms who chose to stay home with their kids, and the one thing I've heard consistently is that if they had to do it all over, they wouldn't change a thing.
I love being a mom, but I have a hard time letting go. I can't even scrapbook their younger days because it brings back a flood of emotion. I know I must get over that soon so I can continue with my books! This mom just needs time to continue to blossom and grow, just like my girls.

Happy mom's day to you daughters, moms and ladies....cherish it!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm Back, Ya'll !

Houston Zoo
This little guy was a hoot! Pucker up, baby!

lounging by the pool

First swim in the big ocean

The view from our balcony...not too shabby!

We made a quick trip to Texas this week, as Steve was doing business there again. This is the first time we've joined him on a work trip, and the first time we three girls have flown! Wow, what an experience. The plane had mechanical problems, which delayed our flight by 7 hours. We were up at 4 am, at MBS by 5:00, then headed back home at 5:15. We returned to the airport at noon and took off at 1:00. I became incredibly airsick almost immediately, and Serena joined me in the last half hour. Ugh! So, we arrived much later than we planned, which ruined our family free day altogether! I spent it in the hotel, trying to recover. Steve and the girls walked to Landry's for seafood. Steve had to work on Wednesday morning, so the girls and I spent the morning at the beautiful pool. We didn't realize how strong the sun was and came back with sunburns. All of Texas laughed at us, for sure. We stayed in a beautiful hotel on the gulf of Mexico at Galveston, which provided a ton of walk-to activities. We took in the Rainforest Cafe for lunch, and spent time picking shells at the beach and swimming in the ocean. I took pictures, of course. We met up with friends, Ken and Norma Leung, who recently moved to Houston, and had a great Mexican dinner at Pappasitos Cantina. It was wonderful to see them, the food was great, and they had a mariachi band playing at the tables. The girls loved it all. Traffic in Houston was crazy! Steve had a cockroach land on his shoulder as we were leaving our friends. He screamed like a girl. No, wait, that was me! We went to the Houston zoo as well, and it was nice. Very "jungle-like". Of course, it was 90 and humid, so it felt like a jungle everywhere. We got to see Dow Chemical headquarters ,which was huge and technical looking.

The plane ride home was much smoother, as Serena and I took our dramamine early. It was a short trip, but we made the most of the time we had. We came home tired, and are still trying to get back on our feet. I haven't been feeling the greatest, but I don't travel well anyway!
We had a great time!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Can You Tell I've Been Lonely?

My sweetie has been in Philadelphia this week, leaving the girls and I to fend for ourselves. The usual joke we make is that we're going to eat cereal every night he's gone! Well, I actually made the girls some yummy meals and a batch of Allison Shoemaker's famous chocolate chip cookies!
I have missed him terribly this time. Maybe because it's spring and it feels like he should be here. He went to Philly on business, but he usually has a lot of fun too. He went to the Phillies game Wednesday night, and has tried the famous cheese steaks downtown. He was doing sightseeing today, and will be home late tonight.

I have been keeping myself very busy this week, organizing our filing cabinet (an all day job, believe it or not), changing our kitchen cupboards around, unplugging the ditch tube (too much rain!), and trying to make a dent in the laundry. However, I have been very lonely! I get that way sometimes. I'm kind of a loner, so it doesn't usually bother me. I am my own built-in buddy, mostly because you have to know how to be your own friend!

So, can you tell I've been lonely? I'm posting like a crazy person!! You probably won't hear from me at all next week, but I'll tell you why when I finally return.....

The Study Begins....with ME!

I haven't had a swarm of interested people to read "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer with me. That's okay. Sometimes we don't all have the same inspiration at the same time. For me, it has been a longstanding need to follow God's leading for my purpose. Certain studies don't help me do that well. When I find what works, I go with it! I am not a good "workbook" person. Just ask my mentor! This book is my "prompter" and the Bible is my guide. Who knows better than God what my assignment should be??

I am already up to chapter 5 which deals with doing things wholeheartedly. That has been a weakness of mine. I often do things just to do something, even if I don't really care all that much about it. Why is that? Because I sometimes think doing something is better than doing nothing. That's just not a good reason! Does God want me to be a half-hearted servant? No. And neither do I. David, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all talked about the importance of serving God with a whole heart. I will be spending some time with those guys so I can learn more!

Whole heart = PASSION! Where does passion lead? PURPOSE! Where does Purpose lead? JOY! What does God want from you? Passion, purpose and JOY!!

I am double-dog daring myself to not just read about what I should be doing, but to put it into practice. Don't be surprised if it involves you in some way!!

By the way, my mom bought the last copy of this book at Dollar General! I am so glad she got one. She's not a "book study" kind of person, but I have a feeling we'll be comparing "notes" anyway.

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...