Friday, May 1, 2009

The Study Begins....with ME!

I haven't had a swarm of interested people to read "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer with me. That's okay. Sometimes we don't all have the same inspiration at the same time. For me, it has been a longstanding need to follow God's leading for my purpose. Certain studies don't help me do that well. When I find what works, I go with it! I am not a good "workbook" person. Just ask my mentor! This book is my "prompter" and the Bible is my guide. Who knows better than God what my assignment should be??

I am already up to chapter 5 which deals with doing things wholeheartedly. That has been a weakness of mine. I often do things just to do something, even if I don't really care all that much about it. Why is that? Because I sometimes think doing something is better than doing nothing. That's just not a good reason! Does God want me to be a half-hearted servant? No. And neither do I. David, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all talked about the importance of serving God with a whole heart. I will be spending some time with those guys so I can learn more!

Whole heart = PASSION! Where does passion lead? PURPOSE! Where does Purpose lead? JOY! What does God want from you? Passion, purpose and JOY!!

I am double-dog daring myself to not just read about what I should be doing, but to put it into practice. Don't be surprised if it involves you in some way!!

By the way, my mom bought the last copy of this book at Dollar General! I am so glad she got one. She's not a "book study" kind of person, but I have a feeling we'll be comparing "notes" anyway.

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