Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter Ten: Don't Look Behind You

"We" are still reading Joyce's book, "I Dare You", and "we" are finding some interesting little tidbits. This chapter is so important to anyone who needs to be "stirred up" again! I have found some very useful information not only for me, but I am tucking it away to hopefully help someone else, if the opportunity knocks. (and I know it will)

Here's what Joyce has to say.....
Don't Look Behind You

When you're passionate and stirred up about life, you don't have time to look backward. Maybe you've experienced hurts and disappointments or you've done things you wish you could do over. We all have those buried regrets, but those are finished and over with. Those things are dead, but you are alive and it's time to look ahead and focus on living.
The answer to our problems is not always a deep, hidden thing that takes months of counseling to reveal. Sometimes it is very simple and a minor adjustment can bring tremendous change. It could be as simple as making a decision to let go of the past, or getting more balance in life, laughing more, doing more for others, or choosing some more positive and uplifting friends. One thing is for sure: Nothing ever changes unless we make a decision and take some action. So I encourage you to get moving!
Stop looking behind you and start looking in front of you! And don't ever say, "I don't have anything to look forward to." You have the rest of your life, and if you expect God to do something wonderful, He will. He wants you to live expecting something good to happen to you every day of your life. Pray for good news because the Bible says it nourishes the bones. (See Proverbs 15:30)

End of Joyce's words...

(me speaking) What do you think of that?

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