Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fun Weekend Happenings

Miss Reenie had her first travel basketball games on Saturday. She didn't play last year, and in fact, it was pretty dicey this year trying to make a decision to play or not. She kept going back and forth with her decision, and we knew it was a matter of confidence, not ability. I am so glad she decided to play! She had a good time, and so did we! It was the weekend my brother and his boys were coming up to celebrate Christmas, so they surprised Serena by showing up at the game. She was pretty happy to see them, and Justin (8) loved the concession stand, but basketball, not so much! Serena is the tallest on her team, standing at 5'5" tall, just 2 inches shorter than me!! For a fifth grader, that's pretty tall. Her coach calls her "Green", short for Jolly Green Giant. She's pretty smiley on the court, so it suits her. All we asked of her was to have a good attitude and to have fun, nothing more! She did just that and we are very proud of her. She looked pretty stinkin' cute out there too! :)

We met up with the family again on Sunday for brunch, and opened up a few more gifts from my brother and sister, who had the flu on Christmas Eve. It was a rare photo opportunity...all 4 of us kids there at the same time! I set up the camera on the tripod, set the timer and got a nice family photo. Then we got some cute candid shots of us doing some crazy stuff too! It's the first family photo since our wedding in '94!!

The weekend was very busy and crazy, but it was all good stuff. Now I'm off to another busy week filled with some back to back practices, lots of shuffling around, and more basketball games!!

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